Woodbury County, Iowa Genealogy and History

Woodbury County is situated on the western border of the State, in the third tier from the north line. It is twenty-four miles north and south, by from thirty to thirty-six miles east and west, embracing a superficial area of about 832 square miles, or 432,480 acres. About 146,000 acres of this land is Missouri River bottom, of great fertility, and unsurpassed for agricultural and grazing purposes. This bottom is from six to ten miles in width and mostly above high water mark in the Missouri River. Although apparently nearly level, it is dry and susceptible of easy tillage. The soil is a deep loam, with a sufficient proportion of siliceous material to render it retentive of moisture, while it seldom remains for any length of time so wet as to prevent the farmer from giving attention to his crops.

Woodbury County History


2 thoughts on “Woodbury County, Iowa Genealogy and History”

  1. My uncle and aunt have a headstone in Arlington Cemetery, Moville, Woodbury County, Iowa. She has her year of birth and death engraved on the stone, but he doesn’t. How can I find out if he actually was buried there? Their surname is Insch.

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