Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa Foundry, Machine Shops, and Gas Works

Foundry And Machine Shops

The Sioux City Foundry and Machine Shop, is the pioneer manufacturing establishment of the city. Started in 1871, in a small way, and doing work only of the simplest kind, it has grown with the city, until now its buildings extend over several acres of ground, and its manufactures embrace everything in the different branches of the business, from the plain castings in iron and brass, to the building of heavy machinery for steamboats, saw mills, quartz mills, planing mills, etc. As the growth of the city and the wants of the trade demanded, new buildings with the required machinery, have been added, from time to time, until the works are now undoubtedly the largest and most complete of the kind in the West. The main building is of brick, two stories high, with a frontage of 120 feet. There is also an extensive boiler shop, detached from the main building, 70 to 80 feet. The works give employment to 40 men, and their trade extends throughout the Northwest, even reaching the Black Hills. The establishment is in every way creditable to Sioux City, as well as to the country tributary.

Plow Works-The broad and liberal policy of the citizens of Sioux City towards manufacturing enterprises of merit, is in striking contrast with narrow, selfish curse of many western cities. At all times they have been ready and willing to extend a helping hand to any enterprise that would add to the material wealth and advance the interests of the city, and the many manufacturing industries that have located here of late demonstrate, beyond question, that the policy which has been pursued is the only true one, and one that will ultimately place Sioux City in the front rank of the manufacturing towns of the State.

The Gas Works

Long before Sioux City had a population of five thousand souls her streets were lighted with gas. Through the untiring energy and public spirit of a few of her leading citizens, in February 1872, the Sioux City Gas Ligt Company was incorporated, with an authorized capital of $100,000. D.T. Heges was President, George Weare, Treasurer, and John P. Allison, Secretary. A substantial brick building was erected, and on the evening of March 17th, 1873, the city was illuminated by gas, the event being duly celebrated. It was not expected by the projectors of the enterprise, that the works in a town like Sioux City then was, would be self-sustaining; but they had an abiding faith in its future. Time has demonstrated that their confidence was not misplaced. The hazardous venture of ten years ago, is now a paying investment. The city has always lent the company a helping hand, and encouraged and fostered it with its patronage, oftentimes when its finances would hardly justify the outlay. The works are now operated by private parties, under a lease from the incorporators of the company. About three million feet of gas is made annually, of which the city is a large consumer, all the leading thoroughfares being lighted by gas.

Source: Woodbury County Iowa, History of Western Iowa, 1882

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