Wexford Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Lansing, Allamakee, Iowa
The uniqueness of Immaculate Conception Parish, Wexford, is in its founding by Father Thomas Hore. Fr. Hore left Ireland with close to 1200 of his parishioners and other fellow countrymen to come to America. He came as pastor, to establish a parish, for his Irish flock. The History of Immaculate Conception Parish, Wexford, goes back to 1851, just two years after Allamakee County was established and records put on file. The entire cemetery listing is posted in alphabetically order. The last and first name, year born, date born, year died, date died, section and approximate row of burial are listed. […]
Wexford Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Lansing, Allamakee, Iowa Read More »