Dallas County

History of Adair County, Iowa, and its people vol 2 title page

Biography of Albert M. Hadley

Albert M. Hadley, a pioneer settler and owner of 160 acres of farmland in Eureka township, has witnessed the transformation of a frontier district into a prosperous agricultural area. Born in Indiana in 1854, he began farming in Iowa after reaching the age of twenty. In 1875, he settled in Adair county, rented land, and eventually purchased his present property. Hadley has made significant improvements on his land, raising thoroughbred shorthorn cattle and Poland China hogs. As the oldest resident of the township, he has played an active role in local politics, serving as a justice of the peace and […]

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of Henry T. Burns of Adel Township, Iowa

A half century has come and gone since Henry T. Burns became a resident of Dallas county. He arrived here in June, 1855, and for many years was one of the active farmers of Adel township. He is also numbered among the veterans of the Civil war and his long residence, his active and honorable business life, and his able service as a soldier well entitle him to representation in this volume. He was born in Elkhart county, Indiana, March 4, 1842. His father, Samuel Burns, was a native of Pennsylvania, and became an early settler of the Hoosier state,

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of F. D. Burns of Adel, Iowa

F. D. Burns is conducting a successful business as a blacksmith and shoer of fast horses, of which he makes a specialty. He was born in Carroll county, Maryland, October 31, 1857, his parents being Daniel and Mary (Knipple) Burns, both of whom were natives of Maryland, the former of Scotch lineage and the latter of Dutch descent. The father was a harnessmaker by trade and followed that pursuit in early life but afterward turned his attention to farming, which he continued to carry on in Maryland until called to his final rest. Unto him and his wife were born

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of Edwin H. Burchfield of Lincoln Township, Iowa

Edwin H. Burchfield owns and operates a farm of two hundred and forty acres in the midst of which stands an attractive country residence. He was born in Allen county, Indiana, January 14, 1856, a son of John S. Burchfield, who was born in Allegheny, Pennsylvania. He was twice married, his second union being with Jane Reynolds, a native of the Keystone state, and it was by this marriage that the subject of this review was born. Following his second marriage, the father removed to a farm which he purchased in Allen county and there two sons were added to

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of John C. Bryan of Perry, Iowa

John C. Bryan dates his residence in Dallas county from 1882. He is a native of Rock Island county, Illinois, born on Christmas day of 1858, and his education was acquired in the public schools there while spending his boyhood days in the home of his parents, Thomas and Nicey (Sturtevant) Bryan, who were likewise natives of Rock Island county, where they were married. The father was born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, November 1, 1837, and the mother in Wayne county, Illinois, March 29, 1838. He followed general agricultural pursuits in Illinois until after the outbreak of the Civil war,

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of Newton J. Brown of Sugar Grove Township, Iowa

A life of intense and well directed activity has made Newton J. Brown the owner of an excellent farm of one hundred and sixty acres in Sugar Grove township, Dallas county. He now resides in Minburn and has made his home in Iowa since the 18th of April, 1838. He is therefore one of the oldest settlers of the state. His birth occurred in Union county, Indiana, on the 6th of June, 1837, his father being Matthew Brown, a native of North Carolina, while the grandfather was Colonel Brown, a soldier of the Revolutionary war, who held a commission and

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of Leonard R. Brown of Dawson, Iowa

Leonard R. Brown, one of the progressive and public-spirited citizens of Dallas county, resides in Dawson, Dallas township, and is the owner of three hundred and twenty acres of land, which he rents. Mr. Brown was born March 29, 1862, in Mason county, Illinois, a son of R. C. and Hannah (Vanlaningham) Brown. The father was a native of the Buckeye state and became an early settler of Mason county, Illinois, where he was married and lived until 1874, when he came to Dallas county, this state, and opened up a farm, whereon he made his home for several years

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of John Brown of Van Meter Township, Iowa

John Brown, a farmer residing on section 1, Van Meter township, was born June 30, 1844, at Westhofen, Germany, and was a son of Martin and Anna (Baltz) Brown. The father was a farmer in his native land, following that pursuit until 1848, in which year there arose a rebellion in Germany and Martin Brown cast in his lot with the insurgents, who were finally overpowered by the Prussians. A great many were forced to flee the country for safety and among this number was Mr. Brown. It was then that he came to the United States, arriving in the

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of J. N. Bringham of Colfax Township, Iowa

J. N. Bringham is a self-made man and from the age of thirteen years has been dependent upon his own resources, fighting courageously the battles of life and coming off conqueror in the strife. He dates his residence in Dallas county from 1860 and now makes his home on a farm on section 21, Colfax township, where he has a good tract of land, well improved. He was born in Tippecanoe county, Indiana, about three miles west of the old battleground where General William Henry Harrison fought the Indians in the war of 1812. Mr. Bringham’s natal year war 1833.

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of William H. Brenton of Adel Township, Iowa

The period of William H. Brenton’s residence in Iowa covered about forty years. This is an age of progress and Iowa is the exponent of the spirit of the age. The state has made wonderful advancement along all lines of activity during the latter half of the nineteenth century and the opening years of the twentieth and William H. Brenton belonged to that class of enterprising, public-spirited men who have kept Dallas county apace with the universal development and upbuilding. His name was enrolled among the honored dead and his memory is cherished by many who knew him and respected

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of R. H. Breakfield of Des Moines township, Iowa

R. H. Breakfield, living on a farm on section 11, Des Moines township, is one of the thrifty and enterprising agriculturists of Dallas county. Almost his entire life has been passed in this township, which was the place of his birth–his natal day being June 25, 1859. His father is John Breakfield, a substantial farmer of Des Moines township, mentioned elsewhere in this work, and the family numbered four sons and a daughter. In a manner not unlike most farm boys of the period R. H. Breakfield spent the days of his boyhood and youth attending the common schools and

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of Harold E. Boyd of Minburn, Iowa

Harold E. Boyd, one of the public men of Dallas county, who for twelve years has acceptably and capably filled the office of justice of the peace and is also engaged in the real-estate and insurance business in Minburn, is a native of McLean county, Illinois, his birth having occurred at Lexington, on the 1st of June, 1872. His parents are Thomas Boyd and Clara (Clauson) Boyd. His father was a native of Scotland and was eighteen years of age when he emigrated to Canada, making his home there until twenty-one, when he removed to McLean county, Illinois, where he

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of Joshua Boone of Boone Township, Iowa

Few if any of the residents of Dallas county have longer resided within its borders or have more intimate knowledge of its development and its history than Joshua Boone, who is living on section 20, Boone township, and who came to the county in 1847, to find here a wild and unsettled district which was at times the hunting ground of the red men, and the haunt of deer and other wild game. Now all this has changed. The then uncultivated prairie is today rich and fertile fields; the streams have been bridged and the forests cut, while here and

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of Erwin Bodenberger of Dallas County, Iowa

America owes much today to the strong, robust German nation, which has furnished so many successful agriculturists and businessmen to America. The subject of this sketch is a worthy representative of this class of our citizens. Born in Bohemia, Germany, in August, 1856, he was a son of Anthony and Josephine Bodenberger and was one of nine children. The father died in Germany. As one of a large family Erwin Bodenberger was obliged to work during his early years in order to assist in the family’s support, but at the same time he acquired an education in the thorough schools

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of David Blue of Perry, Iowa

David Blue, who now resides in Perry, deriving his income from the valuable farming property which he owns near the city, was born in Montour county, Pennsylvania, March 31, 1833, his parents being Reuben and Elizabeth (Davis) Blue, who were also natives of that state. The father died when his son David was only eight years of age and he was thus left an orphan for his mother had died three years previously. Reuben Blue followed the occupation of farming as a life work. He gave his political support to the principles of Jacksonian democracy. Both he and his wife

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of Don A. Blanchard of Adel, Iowa

In the industrial and commercial circles of Adel, wherein the welfare and upbuilding of the city are largely promoted, Don A. Blanchard has been an important factor for forty years. Though no land is richer in opportunities or offers greater advantages than America success is not to be obtained through desire but must be persistently sought. In America “labor is king” and the man who resolutely sets to work to accomplish a purpose is certain of success if he has the qualities of perseverance, untiring energy and practical common sense. Mr. Blanchard is one whose career excites the admiration and

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of William O. Blake of Adel Township, Iowa

W. O. Blake, proprietor of the Valley Grove Stock Farm, has become one of the leading representatives of stock-raising interests. His place is located on section 18, Walnut township, and he is a business man whose excellent record reflects credit upon Dallas county. He is one of Iowa’s native sons, having been born in Adel township, this county, on the 14th of September, 1866. His father, Sydney Blake, was a well known stockman, who is now living retired in Dallas Center. He was born in New Jersey and on his removal to the middle west settled in Rush county, Indiana,

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of Joseph W. Blackman of De Soto, Iowa

While “the race is not always to the swift nor the battle to the strong” the invariable law of destiny accords to tireless energy, industry and ability a successful career. The truth of this assertion is abundantly verified in the life of Joseph W. Blackman, a retired merchant and banker of De Soto. No resident of the village has done more for its substantial improvement and the promotion of its material interests and at the present time, basing put aside the more arduous and strenuous cares of business life, he is now enjoying a well earned rest in honorable retirement,

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of Thomas Bilderback of Adams Township, Iowa

The farming interests of Adams township find a prominent representative in Thomas Bilderback, one of the extensive landowners of this part of the county. His property interests comprise six hundred and forty acres and his farm is splendidly improved, indicating the spirit of enterprise and progress which has ever dominated him in his business life, making him one of the prosperous and leading agriculturists of this part of the state. He has now reached the age of three score years and ten and is still actively engaged in the supervision of his farming interests. He has been closely identified with

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of Alvin Bever of Colfax township, Iowa

Alvin Bever owns and operates a good farm of one hundred and sixty acres on section 1, Colfax township, and his business qualifications and his genuine personal worth entitle him to mention with the representative residents of Dallas county. Moreover, he is an honored veteran of the Civil war and as such the country owes him a debt of gratitude which can never be repaid, for the soldier in the south bore hardships and faced dangers for which there can be no monetary compensation. Like a great majority of the boys in blue he was but a young man when

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of Richard A. Barton of Redfield, Iowa

Richard A. Barton, a retired agriculturist living in Redfield, Dallas county, was born in Guernsey county, Ohio, August 27, 1863, a son of Benjamin and Sarah (Huggins) Barton. The father was born in the same county, July 16, 1828, while the grandfather, Richard Barton, was a native of Maryland, and when twelve years of age left home to follow the sea. At the time of his marriage he settled down, locating in Guernsey county, Ohio, where Benjamin Barton, the father of our subject, was reared and married and began active life as an agriculturist. In 1867 he came west to

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of Charles Barth of Lincoln Township, Iowa

Charles Barth is numbered among the worthy citizens that Germany has furnished to the state of Iowa. He owns and operates a valuable property, consisting of one hundred and eighty acres on section 2, Lincoln township. He was born in Bavaria, January 21, 1851, and is one of a family of four children. His father died in the fatherland and the mother then emigrated with her children to the United States and established her home in Peoria, Illinois, the year 1859 witnessing their arrival in the new world. Charles Barth was a youth of eight years when he came to

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of Curtis Barnett of Union Township, Iowa

Curtis Barnett was born in Clinton county, Ohio, November 18, 1823, and was a son of Thomas and Theodate Barnett. His father was a native of Virginia., where he was born in 1772, and his mother a native of Georgia, where her birth occurred in 1782. They came to Ohio at a very early date and as pioneers were accustomed to the hardships of their environment. Mr. Barnett killed deer, tanned the hides and made clothing for his children, an incident which well illustrates the simplicity of the life which this worthy couple were obliged to live. In 1827 they

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of Eli Barnard of Perry, Iowa

Eli Barnard, who is living in Perry but derives his income from a good farm property about a mile and a half from the city, was born in McLean county, Illinois, September 1, 1843. His parents were Melmon N. and Sina (Philpot) Barnard. The father, who was born in North Carolina March 7, 1806, died October 4, 1873, having for several years survived his wife, who was born in Pennsylvania, April 17, 1804, and died September 18, 1868. They were married in Tennessee, July 10, 1828, and their family numbered six sons and five daughters, of whom seven are yet

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Past and Present of Dallas County Title Page

Biography of James H. Barlow of Woodward, Iowa

No history of Woodward would be complete without mention of James H. Barlow who built the first business house and sold the first goods in the town. He has been closely associated with its growth and the part which he has taken in its upbuilding makes him one of its honored and representative citizens. For twenty-five years he has resided here, while the period of his residence in the county covers almost a third of a century. He arrived in Dallas county in February, 1876-a young man of about twenty-six years. Be was born in Elmira, New York, February 26,

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