Crawford County

1908 Crawford County Iowa Map

Biography of J. F. Harthun

J. F. Harthun needs no introduction to the readers of this volume, for his; work as educator and editor has made him widely known. He is now publishing the Denison Zeitung, and its editorial writings indicate the wide range of his thought and investigation. Like a considerable proportion of Crawford county’s valued citizenship he is of German birth. He was born in Christfelde, in the province of Westpreussen, Germany, February 14, 1845, and was one of five children of Ludwig and Johanna (Frank) Harthun who were likewise natives of Germany. The father was a miller by trade as was his […]

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1908 Crawford County Iowa Map

Biography of Jacob Sims

Jacob Sims, of Denison, is an able representative of the legal fraternity and has built up an enviable and distinctively representative clientage. His birth occurred in Dodgeville, Wisconsin, on the 30th of November, 1850, his parents being James and Ann (Harris) Sims, both of whom were natives of Cornwall, England. His paternal grandfather, who was likewise born in Cornwall, England, worked in the tin mines there and passed away in that country in middle life. Among his children were the following named : James, John, William and Thomas. Simsbury, Connecticut, now a large manufacturing town, was founded by and named

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1908 Crawford County Iowa Map

Biography of Grant Leroy Caswell

Grant Leroy Caswell, editor of the Denison Bulletin, in which connection he is publishing a paper of progressive character, was born in Boone county, Iowa, July 18, 1869. His father, Lebeus Addison Caswell, was a native of Maine, as was his father, who was also of English descent. The ancestors of the family came to America prior to the Revolutionary war, four brothers sailing from England to the new world, two settling in Maine and two in Massachusetts. The grandfather was a farmer and inventor, and his inventive genius was displayed in the first com planter in the United States.

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1908 Crawford County Iowa Map

Biography of L. Lafayette Bond, M. D.

Dr. L. Lafayette Bond, a leading physician and surgeon of Denison, has practiced his profession in Crawford county for the past thirty-six years. His birth occurred in Harrison county, West Virginia, on the 14th of August, 1841, his parents being Richard C. and Eliza A. (Grant) Bond, who were likewise natives of that state. Abel Bond, the paternal grandfather, was also born in Virginia and came of English descent. He was an agriculturist by occupation and served as a major in the Revolutionary war. Unto him and his wife, who bore the maiden name of Sarah Powers, were born the

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C T Marshall

Biography of C. T. Marshall

In looking over the life history of those who now make Charter Oak their home, one cannot but be impressed with the record of C. T. Marshall, who, beginning his career with no other capital than good health, boundless energy and a firm determination to win his way in the world, has risen to a position of influence and holds an honored place among the people of his home town. Born in Kane county, Illinois, January 3, 1847, he is the son of John and Margaret (Davis) Marshall, both of whom were natives of New York state, the father’s birth

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1908 Crawford County Iowa Map

Biography of George Sprecher

George Sprecher, a clerk in the freight department of the Chicago & Northwestern depot at Denison, is one of the well-to-do and enterprising young residents of the city. His birth occurred in Denison, Iowa, on the 31st of August, 1877, his parents being Cyrus and Belle (Deffenbaugh) Sprecher, the former a native of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, and the latter of Strawsburg, that state. Cyrus Sprecher was a merchant in Chambersburg at the time the rebels burnt the town. He came to Denison, Iowa, in 1872 in order to settle the estate of his brother Samuel, who was killed in a railroad

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1908 Crawford County Iowa Map

Biography of Harry A. Carpenter

Harry A. Carpenter, who has been agent for the American Express Company at Denison for the past nine years, was born in this city on the 25th of October, 1878, his parents being Alonzo and Elizabeth (Watterman) Carpenter, who were natives of New York and Wisconsin respectively. They came to Crawford county, Iowa, in 1875, the father being employed as bookkeeper by a Denison lumber concern until called to his final rest in 1884. The mother afterward gave her hand in marriage to Harrison Crippen, who has also passed away. Harry A. Carpenter, who was the only child of his

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1908 Crawford County Iowa Map

Biography of Bernhardt J. Sibbert

Bernhardt J. Sibbert, an enterprising business man, alive to the opportunities of the present day, is now manager and one of the leading stockholders of the J. B. Romans Company, dealers in hardware, agricultural implements and automobiles at Denison. He was born in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, on the 13th of June, 1869, and is a son of Henry and Elsie (Harson) Sibbert, who were likewise natives of that country. His grandfather, Bernhardt Sibbert, was a lifelong farmer of Germany, where both he and his wife lived to old age. The maternal grandfather, Henry Harson, was also an agriculturist. Unto him and

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1908 Crawford County Iowa Map

Biography of Hon. Henry C. Laub

In every community there are found a few citizens who are ever the leading spirits in promoting the upbuilding of the vicinity and molding its public policy. They are its real founders, and their enterprise constitutes the moving force in all that is accomplished there. Such a man in Crawford county was Hon. Henry C. Laub. No history of this part of the state would be complete without extended mention of him and his life work, which constitutes so important a factor in the annals of the county. His birth occurred in Little York, Pennsylvania, April 18, 1824, his parents

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Edwin Darling

Biography of Edwin Darling, M. D.

Dr. Edwin Darling is the oldest practicing physician of Crawford county, having been identified with the medical fraternity here for more than four decades. His birth occurred in Franklin county, Vermont, on the 18th of March, 1838, his parents being Benjamin Franklin and Cynthia (Blake) Darling, who were likewise natives of the Green Mountain state. Coming to Iowa in 1848, they purchased and located on a farm in Jackson county, where they spent the remainder of their lives. Their children were five in number, namely: Edwin, of this review; Emily, who is deceased; Viola, the wife of George Leslie, of

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1908 Crawford County Iowa Map

Biography of Mrs. Elizabeth L. Crippen

Mrs. Elizabeth L. Crippen, one of the well known and esteemed ladies of Denison, has made her home here for a third of a century. Her birth occurred in Racine county, Wisconsin, on the 27th of October, 1843, her parents being Rufus and Hannah M. (Webber) Watterman, both of whom were natives o£ Massachusetts. They removed to the state of Wisconsin in the ’30s and there spent the remainder of their lives. They reared a family of six children, four of whom still survive. It was in Wisconsin that Elizabeth L. Watterman gave her hand in marriage to Alonzo Carpenter,

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1908 Crawford County Iowa Map

Biography of David Walters

David Walters, the owner of a fine farm of one hundred and twenty acres in Paradise township, has continuously resided thereon for the past three decades. His birth occurred in Wales on the 23d of April, 1841, his parents being John and Elizabeth (Richards) Walters, who were born, reared and married in that country. In 1853 the father brought his family to the United States, locating in Danville, Pennsylvania, where he made his home until 1860. In that year he removed to Fallbrook, Pennsylvania, and there resided until 1865, when he went to Brookville, Ohio, where he spent the remainder

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1908 Crawford County Iowa Map

Biography of Thomas Nielsen

Thomas Nielsen, a popular hotel proprietor of Denison, owns one of the be§t equipped hostelries west of Des Moines. His birth occurred in Denmark on the 12th of March, 1857, his parents being Niels and Mattie (Qausen) Thomsen, who spent their entire lives in that country. They had a family of five children, of whom our subject is the only survivor. Thomas Nielsen was reared to manhood in Denmark and obtained his education in the schools of that country. He has continually broadened his knowledge by reading, experience and observation and is now able to speak fluently in three languages:

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1908 Crawford County Iowa Map

Biography of Louie Evers

The records of Crawford county show that, on the whole, the offices have been filled by men of ability, faithful to the trusts reposed in them. As county treasurer Louie Evers has given proof of his public-spirited citizenship. He has discharged his duties with ability, promptness and fairness and to his fellow citizens is known as an honest, honorable man. One of Iowa’s native sons, Mr. Evers was born in Clinton, December 29, 1874, and is of German lineage. His paternal grandfather, John Evers, was born in Germany but spent the last twenty-eight years of his life in Denison, where

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1908 Crawford County Iowa Map

Biography of Nicolaus Lafrentz

Nicolaus Lafrentz, who lived retired in Denison for the last thirteen years of his life and died February 11, 191 1, was long and successfully identified with agricultural pursuits and continued to own ten htmdred and twenty acres of highly improved land in Crawford county. His birth occurred in Germany on the 17th of May, 1835, his parents being Jacob and Anna Lafrentz, who spent their entire lives in that country. Their children were five in number, namely: Anna, the widow of Henry Freese, of Crawford county, Iowa; Hans, who resided with our subject; Nicolaus, of this review; and two

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1908 Crawford County Iowa Map

Biography of Loren Cornwell

The financial interests of Denison and this part of the state find a worthy representative in Loren Cornwell, president of the Crawford County State Bank. In the management of this institution he displays sound judgment and enterprising spirit and in the control of other business interests he also has proven his ability and progressiveness. He was born in Fulton county. New York, February 10, 1838, and has therefore passed the seventy-third milestone on life’s journey. His parents were Timothy and Elizabeth (Kenyon) Corn well, natives of Connecticut and Rhode Island respectively. The father was a son of Ashbel Cornwell, who

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John Pett

Biography of John Pett

Conspicuous among the early residents of Union township, Crawford county, where he has attained a position of prominence and affluence, is John Pett, whose birth occurred September 27, 1824, at Eddington, Warwickshire, near Stratford-on-Avon, England, the birthplace of the immortal Shakespeare. His parents were William and Hannah (Gascoyne) Pett, the former of whom was born in Seven Oaks, County Kent, situated a few miles from London, and there he followed the vocation of a nurseryman. The mother was born in Warwick. They were the parents of five children, of whom but two survive: John, of this review; and Thomas, who

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1908 Crawford County Iowa Map

Biography of Patrick E. C. Lally

The life record of P. E. C. Lally is an excellent illustration of what may be accomplished when ambition and determination point the way. He has never feared to venture where favoring opportunity has led the way nor has he failed to use any means whereby he might develop and strengthen his native powers and talents. In this way he has become well qualified as a lawyer and today occupies a prominent position at the Crawford county bar. He was born in County Mayo, Ireland, June 8, 1856. The genealogy of the Lally family can be traced for five hundred

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1908 Crawford County Iowa Map

Biography of A. C. Weeks

A. C. Weeks, serving as city marshal of Denison, was born in Cedar county, Iowa, on the 12th of April, 1852, his parents being L. A. and Elizabeth (Rigby) Weeks, who were natives of Pennsylvania and Ohio respectively. The mother passed away in Cedar county on the 13th of April, 1861, and the father, who was married a second time, removed to Kansas in 1872, his demise occurring in the Sunflower state in 1897. By his first wife L. A. Weeks had four children, as follows : A. C, of this review; Leroy T., who is a resident of Sabula,

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Charles L Voss

Biography of Charles L. Voss

Among the younger generation of those who came to Crawford after the pioneer period but who have contributed largely to its recent growth and prosperity there is none who stands nearer to the hearts of the people than C. L. Voss. Still in his prime, with every faculty alert, with keen appreciation of the refinements of life, with a character grounded in integrity and with a heart that responds promptly and cheerfully to the obligations of man’s brotherhood, it is a pleasure to include this brief sketch in a history of Crawford county. Croesus admonishes, “Call no man happy until

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