Biography of Curtis Barnett of Union Township, Iowa

Curtis Barnett was born in Clinton county, Ohio, November 18, 1823, and was a son of Thomas and Theodate Barnett. His father was a native of Virginia., where he was born in 1772, and his mother a native of Georgia, where her birth occurred in 1782. They came to Ohio at a very early date and as pioneers were accustomed to the hardships of their environment. Mr. Barnett killed deer, tanned the hides and made clothing for his children, an incident which well illustrates the simplicity of the life which this worthy couple were obliged to live. In 1827 they removed to Indiana where they both passed away. To their union were born twelve children, only one of whom survives: Curtis Barnett, the subject of this sketch, and he has now attained his eighty-third year.

Mr. Barnett has always followed the pursuit of an agriculturist and he has been successful, because he has brought his farming to a place where it is not an experiment but a scientific pursuit. In 1855 he removed to Dallas county, Iowa, where he bought a farm of one hundred and sixty acres in Union township on which he lived until about 1889, when he sold that property. He then removed to his present place, buying one hundred and sixty acres but has sold all but forty acres. This farm is on section 15, Union township.

Mr. Barnett was married in 1843 to Miss Sidney George, a native of Marion county, Indiana, where she was born in 1825. Their marriage has been blessed with nine children: Anna J., the wife of Eli Compton, of this county; Isaac, also a resident of this county; Thomas D., who is now living in Canada; William A., deceased; Spicy A., the wife of J. Hadley, of Des Moines; E. E., who lives in Canada; Abigail, the wife of Levi Cook, of Marshall county, Iowa; J. E., now in Walla Walla, Washington; and Mary, the wife of J. A. Hadley, of this county. Mr. Barnett’s wife passed away in 1898 and was mourned by a devoted husband and eight loving children, as well as by a large circle of friends who looked upon her as a most devoted wife and an excellent mother.

Mr. Barnett is a prohibitionist in his political views. He and his wife were members of the Friends church and as such Mr. Barnett is modest, unassuming and always cheerful and happy, ready to aid any enterprise which will promote the welfare of his fellowmen. His past has ever been upright, both in a spiritual and a temporal sense, and as this review shows he is distinctively a self-made man, one of nature’s noblemen. His wife was a true helpmeet in every sense of the term, and by her tender solicitude and ministrations always made his life, as well as the lives of their children, happy and serene. Mr. Barnett enjoys the respect and admiration of the people of Dallas county.


Wood, Robert F., Past and Present of Dallas County, Iowa, Chicago, IL: S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1907.

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