Biography of Harold E. Boyd of Minburn, Iowa

Harold E. Boyd, one of the public men of Dallas county, who for twelve years has acceptably and capably filled the office of justice of the peace and is also engaged in the real-estate and insurance business in Minburn, is a native of McLean county, Illinois, his birth having occurred at Lexington, on the 1st of June, 1872. His parents are Thomas Boyd and Clara (Clauson) Boyd. His father was a native of Scotland and was eighteen years of age when he emigrated to Canada, making his home there until twenty-one, when he removed to McLean county, Illinois, where he followed the occupation of farming. In the year 1892 he came to Dallas county, Iowa, purchased the hotel at Minburn and conducted it for several years but is now living retired in the enjoyment of a rest which he has truly earned and richly merits. His wife died here in 1900. In their family were four sons and two daughters, all of whom are yet living.

H. E. Boyd was reared upon the home farm in McLean county, Illinois, and acquired a good English education in the common and higher schools. In his youth he went to work at the carpenter’s trade with an uncle but during this time he gradually worked into the insurance business. He was also elected justice of the peace and served for twelve years, his decisions being strictly fair and impartial, so that the public passed high encomiums upon him for his faithful service. During this time he made a study of law and was therefore able to render decisions which were based upon legal principles and precedent. He started the real-estate business in connection with insurance and has secured a good clientele. He deals in Dallas county land and also in Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas and Dakota lands and he owns and occupies a neat and thoroughly modern residence at Minburn. He also opened a real-estate and loan office at Perry and the growth of his business makes hi m a prosperous citizen, his success being due to his careful management, strong purpose and laudable ambition.

Mr. Boyd was married in Bloomington, Illinois on the 1st of January, 1893, to Miss Iva J. Manning, who was born, reared and educated in that state. Her father was Nelson Manning, one of the old settlers of McLean county, Illinois. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Boyd have been born five children, Russell W., Glen C., Laura G., Lela and Dorothy.

The parents are members of the Christian church. Mr. Boyd has been a delegate to the state, county and congressional conventions of the republican party and is recognized as one of its local leaders, doing everything in his power to promote its growth and secure its success. He belongs to the Masonic fraternity at Minburn and also the consistory, and is a noble of the Mystic Shrine in the Za-Ga-Zig Temple of Des Moines. He belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and both he and his wife are connected with the Order of the Eastern Star. For a number of years he served as public administrator and he has been in many ways closely associated with the public welfare and with business progress. He is much interested in all that pertains to progressive public movements, and in citizenship and in private life has manifested the sterling traits of character which everywhere command respect and regard.


Wood, Robert F., Past and Present of Dallas County, Iowa, Chicago, IL: S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1907.

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