Biography of F. D. Burns of Adel, Iowa

F. D. Burns is conducting a successful business as a blacksmith and shoer of fast horses, of which he makes a specialty. He was born in Carroll county, Maryland, October 31, 1857, his parents being Daniel and Mary (Knipple) Burns, both of whom were natives of Maryland, the former of Scotch lineage and the latter of Dutch descent. The father was a harnessmaker by trade and followed that pursuit in early life but afterward turned his attention to farming, which he continued to carry on in Maryland until called to his final rest. Unto him and his wife were born five children, of whom three are now living. F. D. Burns, the only one now in Iowa, was educated in the common schools. At the age of seventeen years he entered a blacksmith shop, where he learned the trade, with the exception of nine years devoted to farming in Piatt county, Illinois, he has always carried on blacksmithing and has become an expert workman. In 1898 he came to Adel, purchased a shop and tools and began business here. His skill and excellence in the line of his chosen calling soon brought him a liberal patronage and he has made a specialty of track shoeing.

In Piatt county, Illinois, in 1881, Mr. Burns was united in marriage to Miss Mary C. Petrie, a native of Maryland and a daughter of Jacob and Ann Petrie, who were farming people of that state but are now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Burns were playmates in childhood and the friendship of their early youth ripened into love. Their marriage has been blessed with seven children: Harry, who is now engaged in blacksmithing at Lee, North Dakota; Jacob E., who follows the same business at Billings, Montana; Jesse L., who is a blacksmith at Walnut, Iowa; Dorsey D., Mary A., Fred W., and Charles F., all sit home. Mr. Burns and his family are all members of the German Baptist church and they are people genuine personal worth, much esteemed in the community where they reside.

Mr. Burns is a republican and is serving for the second year as a member of the city council and on the board of health. He is much interested in the welfare and upbuilding of the city and his efforts have been conducive of much good. He is a member of the Adel Commercial Club and is well known socially as well as in a business way here.


Wood, Robert F., Past and Present of Dallas County, Iowa, Chicago, IL: S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1907.

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