Biography of Charles Barth of Lincoln Township, Iowa

Charles Barth is numbered among the worthy citizens that Germany has furnished to the state of Iowa. He owns and operates a valuable property, consisting of one hundred and eighty acres on section 2, Lincoln township. He was born in Bavaria, January 21, 1851, and is one of a family of four children. His father died in the fatherland and the mother then emigrated with her children to the United States and established her home in Peoria, Illinois, the year 1859 witnessing their arrival in the new world.

Charles Barth was a youth of eight years when he came to this country and in Peoria he was reared to the age of eighteen years, having there learned the blacksmith’s trade. He then went to Dixon, Illinois, where he worked at his trade during the three succeeding years. Later he removed to Moline, Illinois, and worked for the Moline Plow Company for nine years, while in 1885 he came to Dallas county and here operated rented land for two years, after which he purchased one hundred acres of his present home place. He at once began to cultivate and improve this tract, built a good house, barn and other outbuildings for the shelter of grain and stock and as his financial resources increased he added to his original holdings a tract of eighty acres, thus making him now the owner of one hundred and eighty acres. He keeps everything about his place in excellent condition and is thus numbered among the progressive and enterprising agriculturists of this section of the state. In addition to the cultivation of his land he is also engaged in raising good grades of stock.

Mr. Barth was married in 1885, to Miss Elizabeth Fey, who was likewise a native of Germany, born in Hesse, but was reared in Dixon, Illinois. They have had eight children, of whom three sons and four daughters survive: William, who is married and follows farming in White county, Missouri; John L., a young man at home; Anna, the wife of Fred Krause, a farmer of Boone county, Iowa; Lucy, the wife of George Kemer, a farmer of Washington township, Dallas county; Nellie, the wife of Fred Bock, a farmer of Lincoln township; Minnie; and Albert. Their eldest son, Otto, died January, 1899, at the age of nineteen years. There are also five grandchildren.

Politically Mr. Barth is a stanch supporter of republican principles. He cast his first presidential ballot for General U. S. Grant in 1872 and has voted for each candidate of the party since that time. In 1895 he was elected road supervisor and served in that capacity for six years. He has been instrumental in building and improving the roads in Lincoln township and has also been identified with the school board, serving as one of its directors. The parents are members of the Evangelical church. In America he has found opportunity to give full scope to his ambition and energy and though born across the water he is thoroughly American in thought and feeling and is patriotic and sincere in his love for the stars and stripes. His career is identified with the history of Dallas county, where he has acquired a competence and where he is an honored and respected citizen.


Wood, Robert F., Past and Present of Dallas County, Iowa, Chicago, IL: S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1907.

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