Sioux City Iowa Citizens Association

During the autumn of 1872, the first Citizens’ Association, for the general advancement of the business and manufacturing interests of the city was formed. The first meeting for the formation of this association was held November 21st, 1872, at the courtroom, which was at that time in the Hubbard block, on Fourth Street. It was called by the Mayor, G.W. Kingsworth, Hon. A.W. Hubbard introduced the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: “Resolved, That this meeting is in favor of organizing an association, the object of which shall be to induce manufactures to come to this place.” A provisional board … Read more

Sioux City Iowa Merchants Exchange

In October, 1877, the merchants of Sioux City met and formed the Merchants Exchange, and the following officers were elected for the year: President, J.M. Bacon; Vice President, L.C. Sanborn; Secretary, E.H. Bucknam; Treasurer, A.C. Davies; Directors, H.L. Warner, H.A. Jandt, E.W. Rice, F.L. Goewey. During the year, the subject of cheap ferriage to Covington, the adjusting of railroad freights and the commercial interests of Sioux City in general, had the attention of the Exchange with marked success. They raised by voluntary subscriptions $1,929.60 during the year, and paid to secure cheap ferriage, $1,500. In October, 1878, the following officers … Read more

Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa Societies and Organizations

Landmark Lodge No. 103. A.F. & A.M. was chartered June 2d, 1857. It in a flourishing condition, and has a membership, at present, of about 140. Meetings are held the second Monday of each month. Sioux City Chapter, R.A.M., No. 26, was organized April 9th, 1860, and has a membership of ninety-five. Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month. Columbia Commandery No. 18, K.T., holds stated conclaves on the first and third Fridays of each month. The present membership is forty-three. I.O.O.F. The Independent Order of Odd Fellows has a hall in Hedges’ Block, corner of Fourth and … Read more

Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa Railroad Interests

The founders of Sioux City had not got fairly settled on their town site before they began to agitate the question of securing railroads. The location of the town seemed made by nature for a railroad center, supposing that nature contemplated railroads when this section of the world was made. The great Missouri, coming down through its wide valley, flows in a general easterly course and here makes and abrupt bend to the south, the first great change in course above Kansas City. The Big Sioux comes down from the north, and at its head the Red River starts on … Read more

Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa Schools

Rapid and substantial as we have seen the growth of Sioux city to have been, in population and commercial importance, intellectual progress has been maintained in a degree fully equal to its material progress; and, today, it is the acknowledged educational center of the great Northwest. Fortunately, from the birth of the city to the present time, her school interests have been confided to earnest, active, representative men, with broad and liberal views of education, brought with them from their New England homes, where the advantages of common schools had been tested by experience, and under whose administration and fostering … Read more

Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa Post Office

The first post office was located in an unostentatious log building, the private residence of the Postmaster, Dr. John K. Cook, who received his commission from President Pierce, by the first mail that arrived in the place, July 20th, 1855. The arrival of the first mail sack was an occasion of no small consequence to the little sturdy band of settlers who had cast their fortunes in the great unknown West, as the contents brought them tidings of their Eastern friends, and seemed to link them once more with the civilization from which they had bee so long cut off. … Read more

Sioux City Iowa, Platted

In the winter of 1854-5, the town of Sioux City was laid out. Among the settlers at that time were the following: Hiram Nelson, Marshall Townsley, Franklin Wixon, G.W. Chamberlain, and Francis Chappel. About this time the Indians became troublesome, and began to steal horses, cattle and other property. Expeditions were fitted out against them, none of which, however, were attended with bloodshed. In the spring of 1855, Joseph Lionais sold his land for three thousand dollars, and on this an addition to Sioux City was laid out. It then contained two log cabins, but now comprises the principal business … Read more

Sioux City, Woodbury County Newspapers

The press of Sioux City has been an important factor in the upbuilding of the city, and no other single agency has contributed more to make the city what it is. It has ever been said, that the character of its newspapers may judge a town. If this be true, Sioux City can make an excellent showing, as no city in the State of its size has as many or as good newspapers as are published here. Today, it has one morning, two evening and three weekly journals, all well supported. The pioneer newspaper of Sioux City, as well as … Read more

Sioux City Iowa Miscellaneous Manufactories

Among the manufacturing interests of the city, which can only be mentioned without giving any detailed account are: C.F. Hoyt’s Vinegar Works, employing five men; John Beck’s planing mill, fifteen men; A.J. Millard’s wood working shop, four men; Barker & Petty, barrel and butter tub factory, fourteen men; R. Seltzer’s brewery, eleven men; Franz & Co.’s brewery, thirteen men; City flouring mills steam, ten men; the Floyd flouring mills, water power, eight men; the brick yards of J. Rochele, Thomas Green and C.B. Woodley, the two latter having steam power, and altogether employing ninety men during the season; John Griffin’s … Read more

Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa City Government

Goverment officials in 1882 Mayor, W.R. Smith Treasurer, G.R. Gilbert City Solicitor, J.M. Cleland Clerk, F. Barth Marshal, J.R. Thompson Deputy Marshal, John Colvin Street Commissioner, James Scollard Night Police, Thomas Budworth and Mike Ahern Engineer, G.W. Oberholtzer Engineer of Steamer, H.A. Lyon Chief of Fire Department, Jas. P. Wall Health Officer, Dr. J.W. Frazey Weighmaster, James Shanley Librarian, Miss Helen Smith Fire Department The fire department of the city is a volunteer organization, composed of ninety members, fifty-five of whom are active, and thirty-five exempt. The organization was first effected in 1874, with E.R. Kirk, Chief of the Department. … Read more

Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa Foundry, Machine Shops, and Gas Works

Foundry And Machine Shops The Sioux City Foundry and Machine Shop, is the pioneer manufacturing establishment of the city. Started in 1871, in a small way, and doing work only of the simplest kind, it has grown with the city, until now its buildings extend over several acres of ground, and its manufactures embrace everything in the different branches of the business, from the plain castings in iron and brass, to the building of heavy machinery for steamboats, saw mills, quartz mills, planing mills, etc. As the growth of the city and the wants of the trade demanded, new buildings … Read more

Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa a Distributing Point

Sioux City, situated as it is, on the convex side of the Missouri River, on its first great bend north of Kansas City, the waters of that great river flow toward it from an almost due westerly course for 150 miles, when they turn southward, while smaller streams flow toward it from the north and east. Its location thus seems to have been designed by nature as the natural spot for the great metropolis of the Upper Missouri, and the commerce of this rapidly growing empire flows as naturally toward this point as the waters have for ages. The natural … Read more

Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa Churches

The moral and religious wants of the community are well supplied in this city. The church records run back as far as 1856. In 1857, Rev. Mr. Chessington, a Presbyterian missionary, organized a congregation of his denomination in the then frontier village, and the first church edifice built was by that society, the building being still standing on lower Fourth street, and now does duty as a grocer store. The churches now in this city are: First Presbyterian Established 1857; membership 193; church, corner Sixth and Nebraska streets. First Methodist Episcopal Established 1857; membership, 184; church, on Douglas street, corner … Read more

Sioux City Iowa Board of Trade

The Board of Trade, has performed an important part in attracting many desirable manufacturers hither, and among the first brought here, through its influence, was the Sioux City Plow Company, an institution of which the city feels justly proud. In May, 1880, a stock company of practical mechanics was organized under the above name, and commenced the erection of a suitable building for the manufacture of plows, and in the following September the first plow was turned out. The next season, their goods were placed upon the market and immediately sprang into public favor; and though the works have a … Read more

Sioux City, Woodbury County, Boating Business

The first steamboat came up the Missouri to Sioux City in the spring of 1856. The river route was then the only one open for the bringing in of heavy freight; and the material for a number of residences and business houses, and several stocks of goods came in on this first boat. With the settlement of the country around the city, came a demand from the military posts and mining camps further up the river, for any surplus produce marketed in the city, and orders for goods began to be sent down to Sioux City. The up-river business of … Read more