1884-1885 Iowa State Gazetteer and Business Directory – Sac County


Early | Fletcher | Grant City | Odebolt | Sac City | Schaller | Wall Lake


An incorporated town on the S. C. br. C. & N. W. Ry, in Sac county, 8 miles northwest of Sac City. the seat of justice, and 139 northwest of Des Moines. It contains a bank, 2 churches and a public school. Improved prairie land is Worth from $35 to $50 per acre. Grain and live stock are shipped. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. Population, 850. Mail, daily. Eli Haradon, postmaster.
Allen Stewart W, harnessmaker.
Amarine John C, barber.
Bank of Early (capital, $25,000), Naaman D Thurman pres, Thomas A Barrett vice-pres.
Boe Thies, blacksmith.
City Hotel, Norman Wood propr.
Comes John, saloon.
Cory Joseph H, groceries, boots, etc.
Day Horace A, restaurant.
DeGarno & Stoner (Albert DeGarno, James Stoner), livery.
Dick Joseph, shoemaker.
Dorty Charles, blacksmith.
Early Cornet Band, George O Gaunt director.
Engler House, James Engler propr.
Engler James, propr Engler house.
Farquhar Thomas, phymoian,
Flack Perry B, saloon.
Foster O W, town recorder.
Foster & Graham (Charles W Foster, John O Graham), Hardware.
Foster & Hartman (Myron E Foster, Gustav Hartman), livery.
Graham J W, physician.
Green Bay Lumber Co (of Carroll), lumber and coal.
Halling Matthias E, railroad, tel and exp agent.
Harden M C, marshal.
Jaynes James W, meats.
McClure George H, physician.
Mason R D & Co (Rufus D and A B Mason), hardware.
Mereness Bros (M Edward and A. Freemont), grain and farm impts.
Mereness Edward, mayor.
Mills Rev John N (Methoist Episcopal).
Mohr Herman, town treasurer.
Mohr H & Son (Henry and Herman), general store.
Nicholson Robert, veterinary surgeon.
Nicholson Robert M, prin public school.
Parsons Samuel H, grain.
Parsons & Mereness (Samuel H Parsons, W Edward and A Freemont Mereness), live stock.
Peck Willard H, lumber and coal.
Pratt & Anderson (Wm Pratt, Wm Andeson), grocers and furniture.
Prentice & Vanderhoof, (Warren Prentice, Charles T Vanderhoof), Wagonmakers.
Roberts & Hunt (Benjamin F Roberts, Aurin B Hunt), druggists.
Rusk Mrs L, milliner.
Shaw Bros’ Hall, Shaw Bros, proprietors.
Sonneborn Christian, general store.
Thurman & Barrett (Naaman D Thurmam, Thomas A Barrett) gen store and bank.
Webb Frank M, grain and seeds.
Webb & Madson (Frank M Webb, Ned Madson), live stock.
Wilder J J, physician.
Wood Norman, proprietor City hotel.


[name changed to Lake View in 1888]
A village on Wall Lake, and on the S. C. br. C. & N. W. Ry, in Wall Lake township, Sac county, 136 miles from Des Moines, 9 south of Sac City, the county seat, and 5 north of Wall Lake, the nearest banking point. Settled in 1881, it contains a Catholic church, and ships grain, live stock and ice. Population, 400. Tel., W. U. EXp., Am. Mail, daily. Wm. A. Robinson, postmaster.
Becket & Co, general store.
Becket Mrs T, milliner.
Best Bros, saloon.
Best R, painter.
Bittner Fred, blacksmith.
Brumbaugh J M, restaurant.
Bucket & Co, meat market.
Clouser A L, Railroad and Express Agent.
Condon N W & Co, grain.
Davis Lewis F, general store.
Dodd Bros, lumber and coal.
Drilling M, saloon.
Fletcher J C, General Store.
Gard C E, carpenter.
Johnson John, carpenter.
McKendrick Rev W A (Baptist).
McKendrick W N, carpenter.
Peck W N, lumber and coal.
Peterson Christian, boots and shoes.
Pundy E A, druggist.
Rich J D & Co, livery.
Robbins J R & Co, grain and live stock.
Roberts Joseph J , hotel propr.
Robinson Wm H, teacher.
Robinson L E, stationery, cigars. etc.
Robinson W A, Notary, Justice and Insurance.
Roos O G, Wagonmaker.
Rossman Petér, livery stable.
Searle O R, farm impts.
Thukerson & Peterson, general store.
Williams Wm H, physician.


A village on the North Coon creek, which affords power, in Sac township, Sac county, about 80 miles from Des Moines, 14 southeast of Sac City, the county seat, and 10 west of Lake City, the nearest railroad. station and banking point. Settled in 1857, it contains Baptist and Methodist Episcopal churches and a graded school, and ships produce, brick etc. Stage with mail to Carroll, tri-weekly; fare $1. Population, 150. Wm. H. Higgins, postmaster.
Cannon J W, physician.
Crandall O C, carpenter.
Deemer J W, flour mill.
Deemer & Coates, general store.
DeMent G W. druggist and justice.
Garnatz Frederick, shoemaker.
Hicks George, brick mnfr.
Higgins J W, physician.
Higgins Wm H, Stationer, Confectioner and Contractor.
Higgins W W, carpenter.
Hilliard J F, painter.
Impson Wm, blacksmith.
Kohrdt Otto, blacksmith and wagonmkr.
Jacobs Miss Clara, dressmaker.
Parker & Grey, general store.
Patterson R, saloon.
Phylbric Lydia, milliner.
Shearer John, constable.


A thriving incorporated town on the M. R. br. C. & N. W. Ry, in Richland township, Sac county, 23 miles southwest of Sac City, the seat of justice, and 138 northwest of Des Moines. First settled in 1877, it now contains Presbyterian, Methodist Episcopal and Catholic churches, a good school, 2 banks, a public hall and a weekly newspaper, the Odebolt Reporter (Rep.). The assessed valuation of real and personal property in the city exceeds $150,000. Improved prairie land averages $35 Per acre. Ships live stock and grain. Tel., W. U.  Exp., Am. Population, 1,100. Mail, daily. Francis R. Bennett, postmaster.
Anderson John, shoemaker.
Austin & Thew (Irvine Austin, S M Thew), lumber and coal.
Bangs Ambrose A, town assessor.
Banse Charles, boots and shoes.
Bay Wm F, cash Exchange bank.
Bennett Francis R, Propr Odebolt Reporter.
Boardman Charles D, drugs and books.
Bowman S H & Co, lumber and coal.
Breezley James M, propr Revere house.
Brensinger Oliver M, Meat Market; Dealer in Hides and Cured Meats.
Brown Rev Henry (Methodist Episcopal).
Burnquist Charles A, general store.
Burnside John W, dry goods.
Cooper & Iarchow (Hollace H Cooper, Wm Iarchow), bllliards.
Dingman C R, carpenter.
Einspahr John E, Carriage and Wagonmaker.
Exchange Bank, George J Low Pres, Wm F Bay Cash; General Banking Business; Collections a Specialty.
Farmers’ Bank (Capital, $48,000), Oliver P Thompson Pres, George M Taggart Cash; Dealers in Real Estate.
Flathers Christian T, barber.
Frederick Henry, restaurant.
Gabriel Rees, lumber and coal.
Gardiner & Olney (Marvin Gardiner, Lee Olney), livery.
Geist Emanuel, pianos and organs.
Geist Mrs V, milliner.
Gibson James, carpenter.
Graham & Myrick; (Wm Graham, Charles H Myrick), furniture and sew machines.
Green Bay Lumber Co (of Carroll).
Gromann August, physician.
Hanson Henry, grain, live stock and seeds.
Hedstrom Jacob P, general store.
Helsell Rev Jesse (Lutheran), justice.
Hess Wm H, barber.
Hilton Mrs, dressmaker.
Holzworth Robert W, jeweler.
Hora Frank, harnessmaker.
Horan Bros (John and Thomas), livery.
Iverson Iver, saloon.
Jacobe Christian, carpenter.
Jacobe Wm, Meat Market
Jaoobe Mrs Wm, miiliner.
Jacobson Jacob R, shoemaker.
Johannsen C & Co (Christian Johannsen, Wm E Koeneman). clothing.
Johnson Frank S, physician.
Ketterer John H, mayor.
Ketterer J H & Co (John H Ketterer, Joseph Mattes), hardware.
King Erwin A, farm impts.
Lee Emma L, grocer.
Low George J Pres Exchange Bank.
Lundquist Bros (Nelse N and James N), photographers.
McCullach Rev H G (Adventist).
McKeever Emma C, harnessmaker.
McMahon Mrs, milliner.
Mattes & Ketterer (John R Mattes, John H Ketterer), general store.
Matthew Walter C, town recorder.
Matthews A E jeweler.
Mathews Ward, clothing.
Meeser Clarence, prin public school.
Motie Francis P, grocer.
Muxen Harmon J, proprietor Muxen’s Hotel.
Myrick Charles H, marshal
Odebolt Reporter, Francis R Bennett proprietor.
Ottin Peter, restaurant.
Oursler Wm N, dentist.
Parker George H, wagonmaker.
Perching Rev P, (Catholic).
Preston Herbert B, general store and coal.
Revere House, James M Breezley, proprietor.
Reynolds John A, blacksmith.
Rorabaugh E M, restaurant.
Ross Frank A, insurance.
Sampson Wm, town treasurer.
Sampson & Jenkins, (Wm Sampson, George Jenkins), general store.
Schmitz Bros (John N and Leonard), saloon and undertakers.
Shaw C D, livery.
Shea Cornelius, proprietor Shea’s Hotel.
Sifford & Hopkins (Lewis J Sifford, Charles M Hopkins), druggists.
Smith Martin W, flour and feed.
Spelbring George C, railroad, tel and exp agent.
Sprague Mrs, dressmaker.
Stevens Allen E, physician.
Stevens Benjamin, physician.
Summerwill Wm J, drugs and books.
Sutton C W, justice of peace.
Sutton George W, hardware.
Taggart George M, Cash Farmers’ Bank.
Thompson Mrs Augusta, dressmaker.
Thompson Oliver P, Pres Farmers’ bank.
Thompson Rev W O (Presbyterian).
Tyler N A & Co (Nathan A Tyler, J George Buehler), coal, lime, etc.
Warneke E A & Co (Ernest A Warneke, Silas A Kimm), grain.
Webster Frederick F, general store.
Wheeler Hiram C, seeds.
Work John C, Carriage and Wagon Mnfr.
Zane & Helsell (John M Zane, Wm A. Helsell), Law, Loans, Insurance. Collections and Abstracts.


The judicial seat of Sac county, is an incorporated town on the Coon river, and on the S. C. br. C. & N. W. Ry, 134 miles northwest of Des Moines, and 12 north of Wall Lake, where the branch joins the main line. It contains Episcopal, Presbyterian, and Methodist Episcopal churches, a good school, a flour mill, a foundry, and a machine shop, a creamery, a cigar factory, an opera house capable of seating 600, 2 banks, and 2 weekly newspapers, the Sac Sun (Rep) and the Sac County Democrat, which is in politics as its name implies. The Coon river furnishes excellent power, at present only partially utilized. Ships grain, live stock, and produce. Stages daily to Newell; fare, $1. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. Population, 1,200. Mail, daily. Robert H. Lamoreux, postmaster.

Adams Charles B, physician.
Baichtal John S, blacksmith.
Balcom Charles J, lumber and coal.
Barber E L, carpenter.
Baxter Anson, laundry.
Baxter Edgar F, railroad and exp agt.
Baxter Rufus, W U Telegraph.
Baxter & Lewis (Jerome W Baxter, Steven M Lewis), livery.
Beimer John H, carpenter.
Bennick Matthias, saloon.
Bliss James L, carpenter.
Blair Wm E, photographer.
Brenton Andrew T, physician.
Briggs Charles A, mason.
Brown Dr Caleb, coroner.
Brown Daniel U, founder and machinist.
Brown & Wallace (Caleb Brown, John S Wallace), druggists.
Burkhead George, plasterer.
Chapman Charles P, restaurant.
Childs Bros (Walter S and Myron), general store.
Coon Valley Creamery, 7 miles southeast.
Cabb Farnsworth A. blacksmith.
Commercial Bank, J L Watson cash.
Comstock James L, saloon.
Conley Wm (of Newell), propr stage line to Newell.
Cooper Wm E, marshal.
Criss James L, general store.
Davis Levi, cashier Sac County bank.
Derby R H, carpenter.
Duffie Edward R, Judge district courts.
Early D Carr & Co (D Carr Early, Wm H Hobbs, Levi Davis), real estate and loans.
Elwood Samuel M, mayor.
Emery George G, carpenter.
Fox John, hardware.
Gifford E Fayette, barber.
Goldsmith Charles D, lawyer.
Graff Bros (Henry O and David W), hardware.
Gray Mrs M A, milliner.
Griffith Isaac N, billiard hall.
Hamilton Alfred, carpenter.
Hanger J & Co (Jackson Hanger), grain.
Hankins & Campfield (O Eugene Hankins, John Y Campfield), lumber.
Hart Wm H, town treasurer.
Harvey Edson O, jeweler.
Healy Mrs M O, milliner.
Healy Wm H, lawyer.
Hendrickson House, Jed Landon propr.
Herrold David, grocer.
Herrold Matthew H, dry goods.
Highland John M, town assessor.
Hunefeld Louis, blacksmith.
James Joseph H, harnessmaker.
Jarvis Levi, prin public school.
Jensen John, carpenter.
Kessler John, wagonmaker.
Knights Frank B & Co (Frank B Knights, Thomas B Mansfield). druggists.
Knights George & Co (George and Frank H Knights), boots and shoes.
Koder Jacob, propr Sac Co Democrat.
Lamoreux Robert H, Druggist.
Landon Jed, Propr Hendrickson House.
Lane Charles E, clerk of courts and ins.
Lewis P M, lawyer and teacher.
Linehan Charles, shoemaker.
Lusher Samuel F, grocer.
McCarthy John M, harnessmaker.
McDaid J, lawyer and member of Legislature.
Mansfield Thomas B, physician.
Martin H T, county supt. of schools.
Mason & Thomas (Albert B Mason, Edson G Thomas), lawyers.
Meredith J C, lawyer.
Miller James N, propr Sac Sun.
Minder Hermann, barber.
Mix Wesley H, vet surgeon.
Moyer Wm F, county recorder.
Murray Wm F,furniture and undertaking.
Niewerth Elizabeth M, restaurant.
Mix Sidney, mason.
Nutter James M, town recorder.
Parker George M, gen store and creamery.
Parnell Ed H, Law, Land, Loans, Insurance and Abstracts.
Peck Albert D, county auditor and justice.
Peters Carl, saloon.
Platt James O, meat market.
Pratt & Pratt (Alpheus S and Carmi A), clothing.
Quail John, shoemaker.
Quail Samuel, lawyer.
Read & Bushnell (Charles E Read, N Bushnell), furniture.
Reynolds Edward M, furniture.
Reynolds Miss Susie, milliner.
Robbins J E, grain, lumber and farm impts.
Robbins & Knight (J E Robbins, Arba Knight), live stock.
Rowe H, auctioneer.
Rowe & Gordon (Daniel H Rowe, James B Gordon), live stock.
Sac City Opera House, Sac City Opera House Assn proprs.
Sac City Opera House Association. D Early pres, James N Mlller sec.
Sac City Roller Mill Co (capital, $25,000) Robert Smylie pres, John L Comstock sec.
Sac County Bank (cepital. $50,000) Carr Early pres, Levi Davis cash.
Sac County Democrat, Jacob Koder, proprietor.
Sac Sun, James N Miller proprietor.
Schaller Phil, county treasurer.
Schaller & Early (Phil Schaller, Charles L Early), real estate.
Schaller & Platt (George Schaller, James O Platt), live stock.
Seitz Frederick, tailor.
Sewell James, plasterer.
Shull J & W C (John and Willard C), lumber and coal.
Smith George A, jeweler.
Smith Sidney, bookkeeper.
Smith & Co (George A Smith, James N Miller), books and stationery.
Soderstrom J A & Co, farm implts.
Stickel Rev James (Presbyterian).
Todd West, county surveyor.
Warden J M & Co (James M. Warden, J L Criss), saloon.
Warren Rev E C (Meth Episcopal).
Watson John L, cash Commercial bank.
Watt & Goodman (Samuel L Watt, Charles W Goodman), meat market.
Wekkind John J, shoemaker.
Willson Henry L, sheriff.
Woodbridge Theodore H, dentist.
Zane & Helsell (John M Zane, Wm A Helsell), Law, Loans, Insurance, Collections and Abstracts.
A town on the S. C. br. of the C. & N. W. Ry, in Eureka township, Sac county, 180 miles northwest of Des Moines and 17 west of Sac City, the county seat. Settled in 1882, it contains a Methodist Episcoipal church, a bank, etc., and ships grain. Stages tri-weekly to Storm Lake, 10 miles north. Population, 250. Mail, daily. J. A. Murray, postmaster.
Murray J A, General Store.
Schaller Bank.
Stayner F L, tel and express agent.
WALL LAKE. An incorporated town on the M. R. br. C. & N. W. Ry, in Levey township, Sac county, 14 miles southwest of Sac City, the seat of justice. It contains Methodist Episcopal and German Lutheran churches, a good public school, 2 banks, a flouring mill, a foundry and machine shop, and a hall capable of seating 800. A weekly newspaper, the Wall Lake Journal (Rep), is published. Live stock and grain are shipped. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. Population, 600. Mail, daily. Horace B. Allen, postmaster.
Allen Horace B, Mayor and Notary.
Allen H B & Co (Horace B Allen, Abner Calkins), grocers.
Appleeyard Thomas, wagonmaker.
Baker Wm L, well borer.
Bank of Wall Lake, Wm Jackson cash.
Bedford Wallis B, mason.
Belvail Wm, Farmers’ home.
Burt Charles H, saloon.
Burt & Satterley (James Burt, Philip Satterley), skating rink.
Chandler & Goodenow (Frank Chandler, Charles Goodenow), general store.
City Hotel, John Frahn propr.
Collins Robert, livery.
Conroy Henry, railroad, tel and exp agt.
Cook John B, farm impts.
Cook Lorenzo L, town assessor.
Cornish Dr James V, druggist.
Early Ossian C, lumber, coal and farm impts.
Ehlers Wm L, town recorder.
Eureka House, I N Wilson Propr.
Fairchild Matthew, mason.
Farmers’ Home, Wm Belvail propr.
Finley Andrew B, saloon.
Frahn John, propr City hotel.
Gathman & Anderson (Frank Gathman, Jens P Anderson), meat market.
Hamersonn Rev John (Meth Episcopal).
Hannum Miss Flo, milliner.
Hannum & Co (Robert Hannum, Henry Mohr, A Herrig), flour mill.
Heffelfinger & Howard (U S Heffelfinger, Wm F Howard), jewelers.
Herrig A, Banker, General Store, Agricultural Impts and Town Treasurer.
Hesling Bernard K, shoemaker.
Hopkins Christopher M, physician.
Hunter R M, prin public school.
Hunter Mrs, music teacher.
Hurlbut Eli, carpenter.
Imlah Robert C, veterinary surgeon.
Jackson Wm, cash Bank of Wall Lake.
Johnson Wm, marshal.
Johnston W C, mayor.
Johnston & Mohr (Charles A Johnston, Hones Mohr), Machinists and Blacksmiths, Repairs of all Kinds.
Jones, Parsons & Hunter (Jones, Ezra M Parson, Wm M Hunter), grain and live stock.
Kroesen James L, propr Wall Lake Journal.
Leptien Frederick C, barber.
Mohr’s Hall, Henry Mohr propr.
Mueller Rev L (German Lutheran).
Murray Miles, painter.
Nomson Julius, carpenter.
Pattison Robert, harnessmaker and justice.
Peck Charles F, general store.
Peck Wm H, lumber and coal.
Reinhart Henry, live stock, grain and flour mill 8 miles n w.
Rouppe Mrs J G, milliner.
Schrader Joseph, blacksmith.
Severance John, farmer and justice of peace, 4 miles s W.
Sherwood C L, land agent.
Sievert Henry, saloon and furniture.
Sifford Lewis J, druggist.
Simpson Horace J, live stock.
Smith James W, auctioneer.
Smithurst Daniel T, assessor.
Stone Carl C, painter.
Tonner Detlif, meat market.
Tornado Band, Wm L Ehlers director.
Wall Lake Journal, James L Kroesen propr.
Walrod Frank, carpenter.
Watson & Wilson (Carl O Watson, James W Wilson), hardware.
Wayne D & Co (of Carroll), grain and live stock.
Wheeler Carlton, grain elevator.
Will Jerry, saloon.
Wilson Isaac N, Propr Eureka House.

Early | Fletcher | Grant City | Odebolt | Sac City | Schaller | Wall Lake

Source Information: 1884-1885 Iowa State Gazetteer and Business Directory, R.L. Polk & Co., Chicago, St. Louis and Denver

Many thanks to Sheryl McClure for providing this information.

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