1908 Crawford County Iowa Map

Biography of Louie Evers

The records of Crawford county show that, on the whole, the offices have been filled by men of ability, faithful to the trusts reposed in them. As county treasurer Louie Evers has given proof of his public-spirited citizenship. He has discharged his duties with ability, promptness and fairness and to his fellow citizens is known as an honest, honorable man.

One of Iowa’s native sons, Mr. Evers was born in Clinton, December 29, 1874, and is of German lineage. His paternal grandfather, John Evers, was born in Germany but spent the last twenty-eight years of his life in Denison, where he passed away in 1902, at the age of seventy-four. Unto him and his wife were born three daughters and two sons, Louie, Charles, Susannah, Elizabeth and Emma. Of these Charles Evers became the father of him whose name introduces this review. A native of Germany, Charles Evers was there married to a daughter of John Bendixen, who was a German farmer and on coming to the United States about 1874 settled in Crawford county, Iowa, where he passed away in 1895, at an advanced age. His wife was more than seventy years of age at the time of her death. They had a large family, which included William, Fred, Peter, Asmus, Henry, Doris, Elizabeth and others.

On crossing the Atlantic to America Charles Evers and his wife became early settlers of Qinton, Iowa, where he followed carpentering and contracting. In 1874 they removed to Denison, where Mrs. Evers passed away in 1880. Later the father married again, his second union being with Mary Petersen, and unto them were born five sons, of whom three are now living, William, John and Carl. By the first marriage there were four children, of whom but two are living, Louie and August, the latter a resident of Superior, Wyoming. The father continued a resident of Denison until July, 1910, when he removed to Green River, Wyoming, where all of his sons with the exception of Louie had preceded him and are now engaged in the lumber and contracting business.

Louie Evers was only three months old when brought by his parents to Denison and here he has since lived. At the usual age he entered the public schools and later became a student in Denison College. After putting aside his textbooks he began learning the carpenter’s trade and eventually began contracting on his own account, following that business until 1903, when he was appointed deputy county recorder for a term of two years. On his retirement from office he was given charge of the hardware department of the Balle-Brodersen Company and occupied that position for two years, after which he was elected county treasurer in 1906 and is still filling the position.

On the 8th of January, 1901, Mr. Evers was united in marriage to Miss Ida Lorenzen, a daughter of A. B. and Hannah (Christiansen) Lorenzen. Mrs. Evers was born in Crawford county, Iowa, but her parents were natives of Germany. They came to this county, however, at an early day and are now residents of Denison. They had several children, of whom five are now living, namely, Anna, Ida, Lorenz, Adalina and Andrew. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Evers has been blessed with three children, Lorenz, I>orothy and Louie.

The parents are Lutherans in religious faith, and Mr. Evers holds membership with the Knights of Pythias. Politically he is a democrat and closely studies the questions and issues of the day, so that he is able to support his position by intelligent argument. He is proving a competent official, manifesting the utmost loyalty in office.


Meyers , F. W. History of Crawford County, Iowa: A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and Achievement. Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1911.

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