1908 Crawford County Iowa Map

Biography of Mrs. Elizabeth L. Crippen

Mrs. Elizabeth L. Crippen, one of the well known and esteemed ladies of Denison, has made her home here for a third of a century. Her birth occurred in Racine county, Wisconsin, on the 27th of October, 1843, her parents being Rufus and Hannah M. (Webber) Watterman, both of whom were natives o£ Massachusetts. They removed to the state of Wisconsin in the ’30s and there spent the remainder of their lives. They reared a family of six children, four of whom still survive.

It was in Wisconsin that Elizabeth L. Watterman gave her hand in marriage to Alonzo Carpenter, a native of New York, who took up his abode in the Badger state at an early day. In 1878 they came to Crawford county, Iowa, locating in Denison, where Mr. Carpenter was employed as bookkeeper by a lumber concern. Their union was blessed with one son, Harry A. Carpenter. Alonzo Carpenter died in 1885 ^^^ his remains were interred in the Denison cemetery. In 1888 Mrs. Carpenter became the wife of Harrison Crippen, likewise a native of the Empire state, who was one of the early settlers of Crawford county. He became quite an extensive landowner here and when he passed away in 1897 the community mourned the loss of one of its most prosperous and respected citizens.

Mrs. Crippen is connected with Eastern Star Lodge, No. 207, at Denison, of which she is serving as treasurer. She is also a consistent and valued member of the Baptist church, taking an active and helpful part in its work. Mrs. Crippen still owns two fine residence properties in the city of Denison and that she has ever displayed attractive personal qualities is indicated by the fact that she enjoys the warm friendship and regard of all who know her.


Meyers , F. W. History of Crawford County, Iowa: A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and Achievement. Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1911.

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