1908 Crawford County Iowa Map

Biography of A. C. Weeks

A. C. Weeks, serving as city marshal of Denison, was born in Cedar county, Iowa, on the 12th of April, 1852, his parents being L. A. and Elizabeth (Rigby) Weeks, who were natives of Pennsylvania and Ohio respectively. The mother passed away in Cedar county on the 13th of April, 1861, and the father, who was married a second time, removed to Kansas in 1872, his demise occurring in the Sunflower state in 1897. By his first wife L. A. Weeks had four children, as follows : A. C, of this review; Leroy T., who is a resident of Sabula, Iowa; Alice M., the wife of S. E. Day, of Sabula, Iowa; and O. W., who makes his home in Vancouver, Washington. Unto Mr. Weeks and his second wife were born two children, namely : Clifford, a resident of Kansas; and Sylvia, the wife of Zene Smith, of Salem, Oregon.

A. C. Weeks acquired his education in the common schools and when a youth of sixteen began working as a farm hand in his native county, being thus employed until 1872. He then followed the range for a short time and after returning to Cedar county operated a rented farm until 1879. In that year he came to Crawford county, locating at Denison, where he was successfully engaged in the dray business for about fourteen years. In 1894 he was elected city marshal, holding the office for two years. In 1907 he was again made city marshal, his reelection being an indication of the confidence of the public in him and a recognition of his ability. He has served in that position continuously since, ably discharging the important duties devolving upon him. His home, which he owns, is a commodious and attractive residence at No. 214 Washington avenue.

On the 13th of April, 1875, Mr. Weeks was united in marriage to Miss Elmira Elizabeth Kalb, whose birth occurred in Cedar county in 1853, her parents being George and Dorcas Kalb, both natives of Ohio. They took up their abode in Cedar county, Iowa, in 1853, while the year 1879 witnessed their arrival in Crawford county. Mr. Kalb now makes his home in Oklahoma but his wife was called to her final rest in 1900. They had a family of nine children. Unto our subject and his wife have been born four children, the record of whom is as follows. Hattie A., whose birth occurred in Linn county, Iowa, on the 31st of August, 1876, is the wife of Ray D. Garrison, of Grand Junction, Colorado. G. D., who was born in Cedar county, Iowa, on the 17th of November, 1878, is now a contractor of Springfield, Missouri. Jessie, whose natal day was April 13, 1882, is the wife of Francis J. Gable, who is now engaged in business at Lincoln, Nebraska. Lucas A., is a civil engineer of Monett, Missouri.

Since age conferred upon him the right of franchise Mr. Weeks has supported the men and measures of the Republican party, being convinced that its principles are most conducive to good government.’ From 1902 until 1904 he served as a street commissioner. Both he and his wife are devoted and consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal church and Mr. Weeks also belongs to the Sons of Veterans and to the Red Men. Those who know them entertain for them high regard in recognition of their many good traits of character and their loyalty to principles that are most commendable.


Meyers , F. W. History of Crawford County, Iowa: A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and Achievement. Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1911.

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