This collection consists of 158 brief biographical sketches extracted from the History of Western Iowa. It contains only the sketches from Woodbury County in Iowa. The sketches are sorted alphabetically by last name.
- Adams, D.D.
- Akin, A.
- Anderson, Abel
- Anderson, C.M.
- Anderson, John
- Anthon, F.W.
- Atwood, L.B.
- Babue, Frank X.
- Barnard, R.C.
- Barnard, R.C.
- Beck, John
- Bedford, A.D., M.D.
- Bedford, M.E.
- Beggs, Geo. W., M.D.
- Bennetts, A.L.
- Bolton, J.H. Hon.
- Booge, James E.
- Borman, C.
- Brennan, John
- Broadbent, R.A.
- Brunk, N.C.
- Buckley, W.D.
- Bucknam, E.H.
- Carlin, Phil.
- Clark, Willis G.
- Clinton, H.B.
- Comeau, M.A.
- Conniff, T.H., Jr.
- Corrigan, W.H.
- Cottrell, Warren H.
- Crowell, A.H.
- Cunningham, Jesse M.
- Cutler, C.W., M.D.
- Davelaar, John
- Davis, M.B.
- Davis, M.C.
- Davis, S.T. Hon.
- Deming & Hatch
- Dennis, J.P.
- Denton, J.W.
- DePee, A.
- Devore, George
- Dorman, Thomas
- Doss, Christ
- Douglass, George M.D.
- Drumm, L.H.
- Eisenbe’ss Fr. Rev.
- Elliott, D.
- Fessenden, S.S.
- Flinn, M.L.
- Follis, P.
- Follis, Wm. S.
- Frazey, J.W.
- Gerard, P.F.
- Gibbs, P.P.
- Gibbs, S.O.
- Gilbert, G.M.
- Goowin, G.W.
- Gravel, Joseph
- Gravel, Joseph
- Griffin, John H.
- Guyton, B.A., M.D.
- Haakinson, Edwin
- Haner, John
- Hansen, F.S.
- Hayden, James Capt.
- Heberling, J.M.
- Heckman, L.A.
- Hilgers, H.
- Hills, F.C.
- Hittle, John
- Holmes, B.S.
- Hopkins, C.W.
- Hopkins, John
- Hoskins, J.C.C.
- Hoyt, C. F.
- Hubbard, E.H. Hon.
- Humphrey, W.B.
- Ibs, C.P.
- J. Franz & Co.
- Jackson, S.B.
- Joy, Wm. L. Hon.
- Junk, James
- Kearney, M.J.
- Kelpsch, Frank
- Kirk, E.R.
- Krummann, Samuel
- Kuhlman B.
- Langdon, J.P.
- Larson, A.C.
- Larson, Ales
- Lascelles, Arthur G.
- Lerch, William
- Lessnich, John
- Lindholm, P.L.
- Loft, E.W.
- Lubert, Wm.
- Luce, B.
- Lynch, Walter W.
- Lyon, H.A.
- Macready, A.
- Magee, D.A.
- Malmquist, John
- Marks, Constant R.
- Martin, J.P.
- Martin, T.S.
- Mattocks, F.P.
- Maurer, Geo.
- McCarty, L.
- McDonald, Daniel
- McDougall, G.R.
- Merrill, H.J.
- Millard, A.J. Capt.
- Morley, E.
- Mosher, S., M.D.
- Munchrath, F.
- Oberholtzer, Geo. W.
- Oleson, Andrew G.
- Page, Henry
- Palmer, J.N.
- Pardee, Ira N. Rev.
- Provost, A.P.
- Prugh, J.K.
- Puck, James
- Quincy S.J.
- Rederich, A.J.
- Reeve, Wm. T.
- Reihart, John
- Ressegieu, E.J.
- Ring, Wm.
- Rogers, L.M.
- Rounsevell, C.C.
- Sanborn, L.C.
- Schudell, Wm.
- Selzer, Rudolph
- Shannon, Daniel
- Shreeve, C.D. Mr.
- Shulson, Andrew
- Skinner, E.W.
- Sloan, M.L.
- Smith, F.M.
- Smith, Wiliam Remsen, Hon.
- Stone, Thomas J.
- Storey, James
- Storey, Wm.
- Swan, G.N.
- Swan, J.H. Capt.
- Swarts, William Z.
- Tappan, C.R.
- Thompson, F.C.
- Tiedeman, N.
- Toohey, Hugh
- Trudell, Joseph
- Tucker, John
- Wakefield, Geo. W.
- Watson, D.R. Rev.
- Wilkins, W. L.
- Woodcock, A.C.
Source: Woodbury County Iowa, History of Western Iowa, 1882