Odebolt Churches and Schools

Odebolt Public SchoolThis school became an independent district in April, 1880. The first school taught in Odebolt was taught by Jacob Gable. The first school board consisted of W.W. Stanfield, Z. G. Sparkes, H. Hansen, J. Flanders and J. Ketterer, Trustees; Wm. Graham, Secretary; J. T. Martin, Treasurer. The present officers are the same, except in place of J. Ketterer, who has been succeeded by John Wilson. Mr. Taggert is the Treasurer at present. C. Messeris the Principal of the school, and Anna Beekman and Mrs. Emma Gill, assistants. The enrollment is 220 pupils, with an average attendance of 150. They have a neat frame building containing three rooms, which was erected in 1880 at a cost of $3,000.

Odebolt Churches

Methodist Episcopal Church Society Was organized in 1877. This society organized with only three or fur members. Rev. Mr. Faus, acting as first pastor, was succeeded by Rev. W.W. Brown, he by Rev. D. M. Beams, he by Rev. R. S. Fysh. The present incumbent is Rev. William Preston. It has a Sabbath School with an average attendance of seventy pupils. R. M. McDowell is Superintendent. The society has no church building but holds services in the Masonic Hall. The present officers are: E. Geist, AB. Smith, M.D. Fox, J. Bowker, J. W. Savage, Trustees; J. L. Brown and E. Geist Stewards. There is a parsonage which was erected in 1877 at a cost of $450, and a lot upon which is contemplated the erection of a church building this year.

The Catholic Church Society Was organized in the spring of 1879, by Rev. Father Pape. The first officers were: M. B. Lynch, Treasurer; J. Conradi, L. Suntz, J. Miller committee. The Rev. Father Norton is present pastor. The present officers are H.J. Muxen, Secretary and Treasurer; H. Wester and N. Thies, committee. The society now numbers about fifty families. They have a fine frame building 40×60 feet erected in 1879, at a cost of $1,300. This was the first church building in Odebolt.

Presbyterian Church Society Was organized in 1879, by Rev. Fullenweider. The first and present officers are: John Bruce, James Taylor, C. W. Sutton, G. W. McKibbon, W. Van Duesen, Trustees, and W. Matthews and W. Simpson, Elders. Rev. Fullenweider was succeeded by Wm. Porter, he by Rev. Gilkerson. S. N. Vail is the present incumbent. This society numbers sixty. There is in connection a Sabbath School with an average attendance of sixty pupils, with C. W. Sutton as Superintendent. There is also a good, substantial frame structure 30×50 feet, with 250 sittings, which was dedicated in May, 1881. The cost of the building was $3,300.

Sac County Iowa, History of Western Iowa, 1882

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