The first settlement in Fletcher was made by Robert Throssel and son, in the spring of 1867. They were followed by Joseph Parkinson, Noah Borah, Wm. Johnston, Thomas Widdicor, and Geo. Trainer, who settled on the east and south of the lake. W. A Robinson came in the year 1869, and settled on a farm three miles from the present town site. This town was laid out by J.C. Fletcher, in 1880. The town was named after him. The first house on the town site was moved from Wall Lake by W. H. Robinson in the fall of 1880. J. E. Fletcher and Harry Seevers opened the first store in Fletcher. Then followed C. E. Gard and A. J. Thompson. W. H. Robinson erected the first elevator in 1881. J.P. Therkleson opened a hardware store in 1881.
The town of Fletcher is situated in Wall Lake Township, Section 33, and located on the west side of Wall Lake. This beautiful, placid sheet of water is about three miles in length, and one-fourth mile in width. It is said to have derived its name from the fact that the surrounding country is much lower than the surface of the Lake, which is surrounded by a wall of earth and gravel about four feet above the surface of the water. This Lake, in its onward course, does not extend in a direct line, but in such a manner as to form a kind of a horse-shoe shape. The water is as clear as crystal, and abounds in fish of different kinds, and is a most beautiful sight to behold. This location will, in no far distant future, become a beautiful summer resort.
The railroad was completed to this point in the fall of 1879. The depot was erected in the fall of 1880.
The first hotel was opened by W. H. Robinson in 1880, and was mown as the Lake House. The first lumber yard was opened by H. L. Briggs. The first postmaster was W. A. Robinson, who was appointed in December, 1880. He is also the present postmaster.
The population of the town is now estimated at 300. This town contains: Three general stores, two hardware, one furniture, one lumber yard, one meat market, one hotel, two saloons, one barber, two elevators, two agricultural implement warehouses, two blacksmith shops, one wagon shop, one livery stable, one drug store, one boot and shoe store, one restaurant. There is no regular organized religious sect in this place. The Baptists hold meetings every Sabbath; W. N. McKendrick serves in the capacity of pastor. This society contemplate building a church this spring, when it is hoped they will have a regular organization.
Fletcher School-A School of twenty-four pupils, with Miss Anna Searle as teacher, is held in Fletcher. There is no school building.
Sac County Iowa, History of Western Iowa, 1882
What became of Fletcher? Was Fletcher close to the town of Wall Lake? Do you by chance know who was the proprietor of the boot and shoe store in Fletcher around 1882?