Co H. 15th Regiment Iowa Infantry Regiment

Information from “History and Description of Harrison County” by G. F. Waterman

The principal part of these soldiers were in Co. ‘H’ 15th Regiment Iowa Inf’ty volunteers, or Co. ‘C’ 29th Regiment Iowa Infantry volunteers.  Company ‘H’ was partly composed of men from this County, and partly from Pottawattamie and adjoining counties.  Company ‘C’ 29th Regiment, Iowa volunteers, was originally from this county.  Mr. H. C. Harsbbarger (and many others, whose names I have not got) enlisted in companies out of this county and State.

Name Date Company Discharge/Other

William H. Ennis 9 July 1861 Co. ‘B’ 4th Infantry Captured at Ringold, Georgia, and died a prisoner

Thomas R. Brooks 9 July 1861 Co. ‘B’ 4th Infantry A Veteran

Frank O. Danielson 9 July 1861 Co. ‘B’ 4th Infantry Served three years

James W. Murphy 9 July 1861 Co. ‘B’ 4th Infantry Wounded at Kennasaw

James Rabblin 9 July 1861 Co. ‘B’ 4th Infantry Discharged at Young’s Point, Arkansas

John H. Reel 9 July 1861 Co. ‘B’ 4th Infantry Captured at Clayville, Alabama, and killed

Wm. F. Schaffer 20 Aug, 1861 2nd battery During the war

John A. Danielson 12 Nov. 1861 Co ‘H’ 15th Infantry Wounded at Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee

Sabin C. Stanwood 22 Nov. 1861 Co ‘H’ 15th Infantry Discharged at Corrinth, Mississippi, went in 2nd battery

Jonathan Vincent 22 Nov. 1861 Co ‘H’ 15th Infantry Durnig the war

Hiram G. Vincent 11 Nov. 1861 Co ‘H’ 15th Infantry Lost right foot at Pittsburgh, Tennessee

W. W. Rose 22 Nov. 1861 Co ‘H’ 15th Infantry During the war

Soloman V. Catlin 22 Nov. 1861 Co ‘H’ 15th Infantry Discharged. Sick

Logan Crawford 27 Nov. 1861 Co ‘H’ 15th Infantry Wounded and captured at Atlanta.

Nelson G. Boynton 28 Jan 1862 Co ‘H’ 15th Infantry Served during the war, Wounded

Hiram Lewis 11 Aug. 1862 Co ‘H’ 15th Infantry

James H. Christian 12 Aug. 1862 Co ‘H’ 15th Infantry

Evan T. Hardin 14 Aug. 1862 Co ‘H’ 15th Infantry During the war

Marian F. Richardson 15 Aug. 1862 Co. ‘C’ 29th Infantry During the war

James Richardson 15 Aug. 1862 Co. ‘C’ 29th Infantry

David W. Work 15 Aug. 1862 Co. ‘C’ 29th Infantry Discharged

Wickliff B. Copeland 16 Aug. 1862 Co. ‘C’ 29th Infantry During the war

Benjamin H. Dennis 18 Aug. 1862 Co. ‘C’ 29th Infantry Died from wound.

John R. Ennis 18 Aug. 1862 Co. ‘C’ 29th Infantry Died from wound.

Pelig G. Evans 18 Aug. 1862 Co. ‘C’ 29th Infantry During the war

Anson F. Beldon 18 Aug. 1862 Co. ‘C’ 29th Infantry During the war

Calvery S. Stowell 18 Aug. 1862 Co. ‘C’ 29th Infantry During the war

Charles E. Wills 18 Aug. 1862 Co. ‘C’ 29th Infantry During the war

James Owen 18 Aug. 1862 Co. ‘C’ 29th Infantry During the war

John M. Perkins 18 Aug. 1862 Co. ‘C’ 29th Infantry

James E. Vincent Sep. 9 Co. ‘H’ 15th Infantry During the war

James Shaw — Drafted

Andrew M. Ellis Nov. 1861 Discharged for disability at Corrinth, Miss 10 Aug. 1862

William Dunfee 5 Jan 1862 Deserted at Memphis, Tennessee

James Tull 27 Dec. 1861 Died at Jefferson Barracks, near St. Louis, 17 Sep. 1864

Stephen Foreman 22 Nov. 1861 — Wounded at Kennesaw Mountain, Georgia, 28 Jun. 1864

Wm. Alaway 14 Jan. 1862 — Wounded in right thigh, Atlanta, Georgia, 4 Jul. 1864

Alfred C. Barns 22 Nov 1861 — Wounded and taken prisoner 22 Jul 1864, Atlanta.Ga.

Richard G. Boyd 30 Dec. 1861 — Wounded at Corrinth, Miss, 3 Oct. 1862, discharged

Martin Billeter 15 Feb. 1862 — Discharged at Keokuk, 10 Jun 1862 for disability

James Clark 24 Dec. 1861 — Wounded at Pittsburg, Tenn 6 Apr 1861, reinlisted

Peter Cromer 28 Jan 1862 — Served during the war

Benjamin Esly 17 Feb. 1862 — Served during the war

John W. Ellis 17 Dec. 1862 Wounded at Pittsburg, Tenn, Died at Keokuk, 22 Apr 1862

Wm. Evans 8 Feb. 1862 Discharged for disability at Bolivar, Tenn, Sep. 1862

John H. Forgeus 17 Nov 1861 Taken prisoner, Atlanta, Georgia, 22 Jul. 1864

Phillip P. Heppert 30 Nov 1861 Served during the war

James H. House 25 Nov. 1861 Discharged at St. Louis, Missouri, 31 May 1862

Andrew J. Hagany 28 Dec. 1861 Served during the war

Elijah McClannahan 28 Nov. 1861 Discharged for disability at Abbyville, Miss. 16 Dec. 1862

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