Solders Biographies, Harrison County, Iowa

Brief bios provided by G. F. Waterman from
“History and Description of Harrison County, given in Townships”
by G. F. Waterman, 1868

It would have been gratifying to have given a more extended account of the marches and battles in which the soldiers of our county were engaged, but the design of this little book will not permit, since our boys were mixed up with regiments all over the State besides regiments from there States.  And now I will close this volume by a few personalities:

Wm. W. Fuller, captain Co. “C” 29th regiment Iowa volunteers, enlisted as a private 13 August 1862, and was chosen captain by his company, and accordingly commissioned by the Governor of the State.  Previous to his enlistment he was a practicing lawyer at Magnolia, Iowa and represented his district in the State Legislature.  He was a young man, respected for his talent and honor, bid fair to make a high mark in his country’s records; but the monster death took him from us.   His loss was deeply felt by his regiment and company and all Union loving men who knew him.

Lieutenant Bacon, the 14th of March 1863, was promoted captain, and was wounded in the eye and taken prisoner at Jenkins’ Ferry, 30 April 1864.   The wound resulted in the total loss of his eye.  On his return home Mr. Bacon was elected county Treasurer: which office he filled with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of his constituents, and is now one of our most enterprising farmers.

Lieutenant Smith, after his return home, was first, as a token of appreciation of his patriotism chosen by his fellow citizens as County Recorder, and later as Representative in the State Legislature.

John W. Stocker, private of Co. “C” 29 Regiment, Iowa Volunteers, was first promoted to 1st Sergeant, and steadily moved on up to 1st Lieutenant, and had command of the Company after Capt. Bacon lost his eye, 30 April 1864, until the close of the war.  Lient. Stocker was an officer of the times, suited the boys and after his return home was elected County Clerk, which office he now holds, and shows by his example that a good military officer may also be a good civil officer.

Capt. Danielson, of Co. “H” 15 Regiment Iowa Volunteers, seems to be one of those men born for narrow escapes and never to be killed.   The first actual service his company saw was at the battle of Pittsburgh Landing.   In this engagement every officer in his company above the rank of corporal was either killed or wounded, but fortunately the captain, although constantly in the lead where death was dealt the swiftest, was the last who fell, and his company stood sternly and firmly to the shock of that bloody day, and if they did repel the enemy they helped to hold him in check, and left more than half their number dead or wounded on the field.   Mr. Danielson is now a respected citizen of Calhoun Township.

Dr. J. H. Rice, during the summer of 1862, was offered by the Governor of Iowa the position of Surgeon of an Iowa regiment.  The doctor declined, expressing his willingness to accept the position in the 15th.  At that time there was no vacancy in this regiment, but not long after a vacancy occurred, and the doctor was commissioned 2nd surgeon of the 15th Regiment infantry, Iowa volunteers.   He served during the war, and is not at home practicing his profession.

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