Church, School and Societies of Sloan, Woodbury County, Iowa

M. E. Church Society

The first sermon preached in Sloan, subsequent to missionary work, was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Crane, of Dakota, a representative pioneer preacher, who held services with a congregation of seventeen, in a room over Beall & Evans’ store. This was in October 1870, and from that date, the Methodist Society of Sloan began its growth. Subsequent meetings were held in the schoolhouse, Mr. Crane acting as supply preacher, and continuing in that capacity for several years. Mr. Crane was succeeded in his ministrations by various other itinerant clergymen, prominent among whom were Revs. Keister, Billings, Fawcett, Drake and Cuthbert. The society, which started with two members, now has a membership of forty, and has a regular pastor, Rev. William Thomas, who has continued in that capacity since October 1881. The Society is no longer in need of securing public buildings for the holding of its meetings, but has an excellent church edifice, with dimensions of 35×50 feet, which was dedicated in June 1881, and which is a credit to the community.

Congregational Church Society

The Congregational Church Society was organized in the Spring of 1879, by the Rev. A.M. Beeman now of Spencer, who relinquished his charge in September, 1881, since which time the church, which has a membership of thirty-five, has depended upon supply preachers. The society has no building of its own, as yet, but a subscription has been started for the erection of one next season, upon the completion of which a resident pastor will be secured.


Sloan Lodge, I.O.G.T.

This is the only organization in the nature of a secret society in Sloan, and it, though the charter is still retained, does not hold regular meetings. It started with a small membership a year or so ago.

The organization of a Masonic Lodge in the village has been contemplated, but as yet nothing has been done in the way of work to that end.

Debating Societies

Sloan has also a debating Society, but as yet it is small and in an embryo stage of life. The meetings are held in the schoolhouse.


The public schools of the city consist of a primary and a higher school, the latter presided over by F.E. Chapin, and the former by Mrs. F.E. Chapin. The number of pupil is attendance is seventy. The school building was erected in 1881, and is a two-story, frame structure, with dimensions of 28×40 feet. Its interior arrangements consist of two large classrooms, and a smaller recitation room. A smaller brick building had supplied the needs of the place for several years prior to the erection of the present schoolhouse. The School Board for this year consists of J.B. Crawford, President; F.O. Hunting and W.J. Wray. The school system of the place has been almost coexistent with it, and reflects great credit on the community.

The people of Sloan are confident of a prosperous future, and deliberate observation by an unprejudiced observer would seem to confirm the belief. The country around is a grand one, and it would seem that nothing stands in the way of an ultimately large growth.

Source: Woodbury County Iowa, History of Western Iowa, 1882

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