John McCaddon was born in Chester County, Pennsylvania, 27 June 1757. He served in the War of the Revolution under Capt. Porterfield and was with the army under Washington at the surrender of Cornwallis, after which his company was discharged at Shepardstown, Virginia. He remained here until the spring of 1780 when he went with Squire Boone, a brother of Daniel Boone, to Kentucky. Here he helped to form Selby County, one of the first settlements of the state.
Later in the same year, 1780, he went with General George Rogers Clark on his expedition against the Indians on Mad River and while there he assisted in the erection of a block house on the north side of the Ohio River, which was the first house built on the ground where Cincinnati now stands.
He returned from this campaign to Virginia and in the following year located at Brownsville, Pennsylvania, where he married Elizabeth Silverthorn, daughter of William Silverthorn. In 1827 he emigrated to Ohio, locating at Newark, which was his home until his death on 8 June 1845 in his 89th year.
His son, John McCaddon was born June 1796 at Brownsville, Pennsylvania. He was married there in June 1818 to Susanna Patterson. Their home was a farm 6 miles from Newark, Ohio until 1847, when they moved to Iowa City, Iowa, purchasing a farm 2 1/2 miles east of town, which was their home for many years.
His daughter, Mary McCaddon was married 11 April 1843 to Benjamin King, who was born 6 November 1819 on a farm near Newark, Ohio. They came to Iowa City in 1846, driving the entire distance from their home at Utica, Ohio, in a wagon. Mr. King enlisted in the Civil War and served 3 years as Capt. of Co. F 6th Reg. Iowa Vol. Cavalry. He died on 17 October 1893 in his 74th year.
Mrs. W. F. Boiler,
Chairman of Committee on Genealogical Research,
Pilgrim Chapter, D.A.R.
Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa

Boiler, Mrs. W. F., “John McCaddon Family,” p. 111-112; Schipfer, Daise (Mrs. Eugene), compiler. “Iowa Book XIII: genealogical records from chapters.” 1929, Iowa DAR Genealogical Records Committee Report.