Rural Teachers Logan Township, Ida County, Iowa, 1912-1915

This is a list of those teachers who served in Logan Township, Iowa schools during the years of 1912-1915.

Fall 1912

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Frances Miller
#2. Julia Cosgriff
#3. A. Zoa McGuire
#4. Birdie Smith
#5. Effie Perkins
#6. Ida Curry
#7. Margaret Whalen (Woolridge)
#8. Grace Terhune
#9. Lida Crane (Parker)

Winter 1912-14

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Bessie Keith
#2. Julie Cosgriff
#3. A. Zoa McGuire
#5. Nellie Maghell
#6. Ida Curry
#7. Margaret Whalen (Woolridge)
#8. Grace Terhune
#9. Anna Harrington

Spring 1914

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Bessie Keith
#2. Ada Giltner
#3. Zoa McGuire
#4. Frances Nailor
#5. Nellie Magirl
#6. Ida Curry
#7. Margaret Whalen (Woolridge)
#8. Grace Terhune
#9. Anna Harrington

Fall 1914

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Clara Damerow
#2. Mildred Terhune
#3. Harriet Knuth
#4. Birdie Smith
#6. Clara Hamilton
#8. Grace Terhune
#9. Anna Harrington

Winter 1914-15

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Clara Damerow
#2. Mildred Terhune
#3. Harriet Knuth
#4. Birdie B. Smith
#5. Nellie Maghell
#6. Rose Kieffer
#7. Margaret Whalen (Woolridge)
#8. Grace Terhune
#9. Anna Harrington

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