Rural Teachers Galva Township, Ida County, Iowa, 1913-1923

This is a list of those teachers who served in Galva Township, Iowa schools during the years of 1913-1923.

Fall 1913

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Edna Lehnhardt
#4. Reba Swanson
#7. Genevieve McNeil
#8. Ethel Kellogg
#9. Minnie Fresemann

Winter 1913-14

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Edna Lehnhardt
#7. Genevieve McNeil
#8. Ethel Kellogg
#9. Minnie Fresemann

Spring 1914

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Edna Lahnhardt
#2. Genevieve McNeil
#3. Ruth Lank
#4. Lulu Hagler
#8. Ethel Kellogg
#9. Lillian Stearns

Fall 1914

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Edna Lehnhardt
#2. Genevieve MdNeil
#3. Bessie Kitchen
#4. Ella M. Lohff
#7. Maude Smith
#8. Florence Newland
#9. Minnie Neuman

Winter 1914-15

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Edna Lahnhardt
#2. Genevieve McNeil
#3. Bessie M. Kitchen
#4. Ella M. Lohff
#7. Maude M. Smith
#8. Florence Newland
#9. Minnie Neuman

Fall 1915

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Edna Lahnhardt
#2. Esther W. Johnson
#3. Mildred Goodspeed
#7. Grace Murray
#8. Genevieve McNeil
#9. Ina Schroeppel

Spring 1916

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Edna Lehnhardt
#2. Esther Johnson
#3. Mildred Goodspeed
#7. Grace Murray
#8. Maude M. Smith
#9. Ina Schroeppel

Fall 1916

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#3. Florence Stewart
#4. Ella Lohff
#9. Ina Schroeppel

Winter 1916-17

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#2. Ella Lohff
#3. Florence Stewart

Spring 1917

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1-3: Florence Stewart
#4. Ella M. Lohff
#9. Ina Schroeppel

Fall 1918

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#3. Matilda Houvenagle
#4. Ella Lohff
#9. Betty Untiedt

Winter 1918-19

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#3. Mitilda Houvenagle
#4. Ella Lohff

Spring 1919

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#3. Matilda Houvanagle
#4. Ella Lohff

Fall 1919

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1-2. Consolidated
#3. Frieda Ipsen
#4. Ella M. Lohff
#5, #6, #7, #8. Consolidated
#9. Pearle I. Smith

Winter 1919-20 Spring 1920

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#3. Frieda Ipsen
#4. Ella M. Lohff
#9. Maude Smith

Fall 1920

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#3. Clarence N. Dugan
#4. Ella M. Lohff
#9. Maude Smith

Fall-Winter 1921-22

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#3. Jennie Sanborn (fall)
#. Ida M. Iversen (winter)
#4. Ella M. Lohff
#9. Maude Smith (fall)

Fall-Winter 1922-23

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#3. Ida M. Iversen

Spring 1923

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#4. Ella M. Lohff
#9. Golda Shultice Todd

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