Biography of James Bergen of Oakland, Iowa

Among the young agriculturists of Franklin county is James Bergen, a native of Illinois, who for a number of years has cultivated one hundred and twenty acres on section 10, Oakland township. By employing the most modern methods he has become one of the successful agriculturists of this section. He was born in Bureau county, Illinois, on July 16th, 1870, and is a son of John and Hannah (Shaw) Bergen, natives of Ireland. The parents came to American and made their home in New York city for four years, whence they removed to Massachusetts, where they spent one year. They then sought the middle west, where the father was employed in the pineries and engaged in lumbering for about two years in Michigan. They left that state for Illinois, where Mr. Bergen, Sr., turned his attention to agricultural pursuits and became a well-to-do farmer. He died on the 15th of February, 1913, and his wife still makes her home in Illinois. They were the parents of nine children: Mary J., who married Charles Sabin, of Bureau county, that state; Patrick H., also of Illinois; John and Nellie, twins, the former of Illinois and the latter deceased; James and Sarah, twins, the former our subject and the latter of Illinois; Thomas, who makes his home with James Bergen; George, of Illinois; and one, who died in infancy.

James Bergen was reared under the parental roof and had such school education as was afforded in the neighborhood where he was then residing. He left his home at the age of nineteen, coming to Franklin county with a neighbor, for whom he worked that year. Being careful of his earnings he was enabled in 1900 to buy eighty acres of land in Wright county, which he sold at the end of a year and then acquired title to the one hundred and twenty acres which he now owns on section 10, Oakland township. Mr. Bergen’s property is well improved and in a good state of cultivation. He follows the latest methods of farming and has installed the most modern machinery. He also gives his attention largely to stock-raising.

On December 20, 1899, Mr. Bergen married Miss Caroline Johnson, a native of Iowa and a daughter of Martin and Annie Johnson. They have three children: Beulah Blanche, born December 2, 1900; Maynard James, born December 14, 1903; and Luella Belle, February 24, 1906.

Mr. Bergen gives his allegiance to the republican party and fraternally is a Modern Woodman of America. He is a member of the school board and has done valuable work in promoting the cause of education. Such success as has come to him is well merited as it has been built upon honesty, energy and industry. Mr. Bergen is popular in the neighborhood and has made many friends since locating in Franklin county.



Stuart, I. L., History of Franklin County, Iowa, Vol 2; Chicago: S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1914.

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