Biography of John H. Bauer of Jackson, Iowa

John H. Bauer, the other member of the firm of Bahlman & Bauer, is a native of Bavaria, Germany, and was born in 1824. In his native country he was engaged in the swine business.

He emigrated to the United States in 1848, settling in Joliet, Illinois, where he worked on a farm till 1850, then going to Bureau county, in the same state, where he bought a farm, which he afterwards sold, and bought one in Lee county containing three hundred and sixty acres. He sold that also, and then came to Adair county, Summerset township, and bought six hundred and forty acres of land on sections 6 and 7.

He afterwards sold forty acres of this land, and bought eighty acres on section 1, in Jackson township. His land is all fenced and has good buildings and a small orchard. One hundred and fifty acres of his land is timber, his house being located on the south side of the same, on section 7. His sons run the farm, stock raising being the principal feature.

Mr. Bauer was married in Bureau county, Illinois, on the 19th day of March, 1854, to Miss Margaret Buttner, who has since died, leaving three children, who still live at the old homestead. Their names are–Theodore, Mary and Henry.

He was married to Katie C. Fleishman, a native of Germany, but who came to America in 1876, the Rev. Shirer officiating. Mr. Bauer is the owner of the building used as a furniture store.


History of Guthrie and Adair counties, Iowa : together with sketches of their towns, villages and townships, educational, civil, military and political history, portraits of prominent persons, and biographies of old settlers and representative citizens ; History of Iowa : embracing accounts of the prehistoric races, and a brief review of its civil, political and military history; Springfield, Ill: Continental Hist. Co., 1884.

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