Biography of William G. Cameron of Cameron Township, Iowa

William G. Cameron, who was one of the first settlers in Cameron Township, has become a leading agriculturist and stock-raiser in that part of the county. He settled upon his home farm in 1878, removing from the State of Vermont, in which he was born in September, 1836. His father, a most thorough business man, and the owner of a large property, was John Cameron, a descendant of Puritan stock. His mother was Jane Gray, a native of Vermont, and a most estimable woman, the mother of several children, of whom William G. is the oldest.

His early childhood and school days were passed in his native county. His education was received in the common schools, and his father being an extensive farmer and stock-raiser, he had unusual facilities for acquiring a knowledge of the management and handling of stock.

In 1863 William G. Cameron took a trip to California, and while there engaged in various pursuits, prospecting some for gold. Returning to Bureau County, Illinois, he carried on farming, and traded in live-stock for a time. He then returned to his native State, Vermont, but as the tide of emigration drifted westward he made up his mind to return, and as several of his friends had settled in Audubon County, Iowa, he settled there also. His first purchase was 640 acres of land on section 21, Cameron Township, which was at that time open prairie.

He began the task of breaking out the new farm, fencing it, and stocking it with cattle and hogs. In this enterprise he has been very successful, and as his means increased he has added to his first purchase of land until he now owns 1,440 acres; the land is not hilly, but is undulating, with an occasional gentle roll. All is enclosed with a good substantial fence, 200 acres being devoted to raising corn, and the balance being seeded down to grass.

In 1886 Mr. Cameron erected his large barn; when the framework was up ready to be enclosed it was struck by a cyclone and blown to the ground. The wreck was cleared away, and it was immediately rebuilt. It is one of the largest barns in the western part of the state, and everything is arranged with an eye to convenience, as well as for the protection and comfort of the live-stock. The farm is well stocked with high-grade cattle, hogs and horses; every department of the farm has the direct and careful supervision of Mr. Cameron.

In 1876 Mr. Cameron was united in marriage to Miss Eliza Crief, of Bureau County, Illinois, a most excellent person, and the possessor of many womanly qualities; she was born in Pennsylvania, and removed to Illinois with her parents in her girlhood. Politically Mr. Cameron is a man of pronounced views, and in matters pertaining to the State and National affairs he affiliates with the Republican party.


Dunbar, W. S. & Co.; Biographical History of Shelby and Audubon Counties, Iowa; Chicago, W.S. Dunbar & Co., 1889.

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