Rural Teachers Battle Township, Ida County, Iowa, 1913-1923

This is a list of those teachers who served in Battle Township, Iowa schools during the years of 1913-1923.

Fall 1913

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Maria Taylor
#2. Ruth Russell
#3. Clara Bondhus
#4. Eva Baumann (Heilman)
#5. Mabel Dunkelberger
#6. Mamie Kopplin
#7. Lucille Goin
#8. Janet Spotts
#9. Elsie Morrice

Winter 1913-14

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Viola Nailor
#2. Ruth Russell
#3. Clara Bondhus
#4. Eva Baumann (Heilman)
#5. Mabel Dunkelberger
#6. Mamie Kopplin
#7. Nola Houk
#8. Janet Spotts
#9. Elsie Morrice

Spring 1914

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Ardess Aronson
#2. Ione Corch
#3. Clara Bondhus
#4. Eva Baumann (Heilman)
#5. Alma Bubke
#6. Cuma Conn
#7. Bertha Greenwood
#8. Mable Dunkelburger
#9. Elsie Morrice

Fall 1914

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Ardess Aronson
#2. Edythe Cole
#3. Clara Bondhus
#4. Ethel Crossland
#5. Alma Bubke
#6. Zelma Kirby
#7. Mary Keehe
#8. Janet Spotts
#9. Elsie Morrice

Winter 1914-15

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. John Will
#2. Ethel Sonnenberg
#3. Nellie Dragoo
#4. Lavina Dragoo
#5. Lowell Butcher
#6. Edith Butcher
#7. Anna Harrington
#8. Mabel Dunkelberger
#9. Janet Spotts

Spring 1915

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#5. Lowell Butcher
#8. Frances Dunkelberger

Fall 1915

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Minnie Freseman
#3. Nellie Dragoo
#4. Lavina Dragoo
#5. Ethel Sonnenberg
#6. Edith Butcher
#7. Birdie Smith
#8. Mable Dunkelberger
#9. Janet Spotts

 Spring 1916

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. John Will
#3. Nellie Dragoo
#4. Lavina Dragoo
#6. Edith Butcher
#7. Anna Harrington
#8. Mabel Dunkelberger
#9. Janet Spotts

Fall 1916

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Grace Schreiner
#3. Nellie Dragoo
#4. Cecile Wilson
#5. Ina Devine
#6. Leila Kolb
#7. Anna Harrington
#8. Mabel Dunkelberger
#9. Mabel Rekenthaler

Winter 1916-17

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Grace Schreiner
#3. Beth Castle
#4. Cecile Wilson
#5. Ina Devine
#6. Leila Kolb
#7. Anna Harrington
#8. Mable Dunkelberger
#9. Mable Rekenthaler

Spring 1917

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Grace Schreiner
#3. Beth Castle
#4. Mina Kerr
#5. Anna Kolb
#6. Leila Kilb
#7. Anna Harrington
#8. Mabel dunkelberger
#9. Mabel Rekenthaler

Fall 1918

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Edna Will
#2. Ethel Schroeder
#3. Mae Bondhus
#4. Amy Schmidt
#5. Mary E. Dragoo
#6. Nellie S. Keith
#7. Mabel Dunkelberger
#8. Lulu Hewitt
#9. Elsie Henderson

Winter 1918-19

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Edna Will
#3. Mae Bondhus
#4. Amy Schmidt
#7. Mable Dunkelberger
#8.Mary Jaqua
#9. Elsie Henderson

Spring 1919

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Edna Will
#2. Margaret Dunn
#3. Mae Bondhus
#4. Agnes Bondhus
#5. Mabel Dunkelberger
#6. Nellie Keith
#7. Ellen Scott
#8. Mary Jaqua
#9. Elsie Henderson (Etler)

Fall 1919

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Edna Will
#2. Agnes Bondhus
#3. Consolidated
#4. Consolidated
#5. Mable Dunkelberger
#6. Theodosia Wahl
#7. Florence Devine
#8. Mae Bondhus

Winter 1919-20

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. No School
#2. Agnes Bondhus
#5. Mabel Dunkelberger
#6. Theodosia Wahl
#7. Florence Devine
#8. Elsie Henderson
#9. Mae Bondhus

Spring 1920

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Inez Buss
#2. Aileen I. Buss
#5. Edna Will
#6. Theodosia Wahl
#7. Florence Devine
#8. Elsie Henderson
#9. Mae Bondhus

Fall 1920

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Edith Loney
#2. Aileen Buss
#5. Edna Will
#6. Theodosia Wahl
#7. Neita Siple
#8. Barbara Brechwald
#9. Elsie Henderson

Winter 1920-21

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Inez I. Buss
#2 Aileen L. Buss
#5. Edna Will
#6. Theodosia Wahl
#7. Neita Siple
#8. Barbara Brechwald
#9. Mrs. Eva Sengelman

Spring 1921

The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Inez I. Buss
#2. Aileen I. Buss
#5. Edna Will
#6. Theodosia Wahl
#7. Neita Siple
#8. Barbara Brechwald
#9. Mrs. Eva Sengelman


The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Ruth M. McCleary, Verna Bird
#2. John Will
#5. Edna Will
#6. Berneta Kopplin
#7. Glenn R. Lee
#8. Alma Bubke (Fall)
#9. Mrs. Eva Sengelma


The following data is extracted from Ida County, Iowa, Rural Teachers.

#1. Edna Will
#2. Margaret Mighell
#5. Vesta Stephenson
Mrs. Irene Hansen
#6. Ruby O. Harvey
#7. Berneta Kopplin
#8. Elsie Berndt
#9. Eva Sengelman

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