Biography of Anton Lambi

Anton Lambi, a German immigrant, is a successful farmer who owns a 280-acre farm in Jackson township. His parents, Philip and Christina Lambi, brought the family to America in 1863, settling in Bureau county, Illinois. Anton remained with his parents until the age of twenty-four, after which he rented land and farmed for five years. In 1879, he purchased his current farm and made several improvements, including buildings and a grove. Anton engaged in general farming and stock-raising, achieving financial stability. He married Clara Schreiver in 1876, and after her passing in 1879, he married Katherine Burg in 1881. Anton and Katherine had eight children together. He was involved in local politics and held positions such as road supervisor and school director. Both Anton and Katherine were active members of the Roman Catholic Church. Despite starting with limited means, they worked diligently and earned the respect and admiration of those around them.

Anton Lambi, who owns an excellent farm of two hundred and eighty acres in Jackson township, is a native of Germany, born March 21, 1847, of the marriage of Philip and Christina (Frai) Lambi, both of whom were born in the fatherland. In 1863 the family emigrated to America and for a year they made their home in New York city. At the end of that time they decided to take advantage of the west and removed to Bureau county, Illinois, settling upon a farm there. Both parents continued to reside in that county until their deaths. They were the parents of six children, three of whom are living.

Anton Lambi remained under the parental roof until he was twenty-four years of age and then rented land, which he farmed for five years. In 1879 he came to this county and purchased the two hundred and eighty acre farm in Jackson township where he still resides. He has erected a number of excellent buildings, planted a fine grove and otherwise improved the place. He has followed general farming and stock-raising and has so wisely managed his affairs that he has gained a competence which insured him of the comforts of life.

In 1876 Mr. Lambi married Miss Clara Schreiver, a native of Germany, and to their union were born four children, two of whom are deceased. Those living are Stephen, of this county; and Elizabeth, now Mrs. Jacob Beitz. The wife and mother died in 1879 and in 1881 Mr. Lambi was married to Miss Katherine Burg, who was born in Lee county, Illinois, of the marriage of Conrad and Katherine (Keizer) Burg, both natives of Germany. They came to America in 1854 and settled in Lee county, Illinois, where the demise of the father occurred. The mother passed away in this county. Mrs. Lambi is one of a family of eleven children, seven of whom survive. By her marriage she has become the mother of eight children: Anna, at home; Julia; Frederick; Jacob; Katherine; Frank; and two who are deceased.

Mr. Lambi is a republican and has filled the offices of road supervisor and school director. Both he and his wife are communicants of the Roman Catholic church and aid in carrying on the work of that organization. When they began their married life they were in limited financial circumstances but by means of continued and well directed labor they have gained a gratifying measure of material prosperity. They also have the respect and goodwill of those who come in contact with them, for they have many admirable traits of character.


Kilburn, Lucian Moody ed.; History of Adair county, Iowa, and Its People; Pioneer Publishing Co., Chicago, 1915.

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